To onstall AstroImagej_3.0.tar.gz in /usr/local. As root -- cd /usr/local tar xvzf AstroImageJ_3.0.tar.gz Then copy the astroimage shell script to /usr/local/bin/ to make AIJ available system-wide. This is a Linux Bash shell script to start AstroImageJ from the command line. You can change the name of the script to something even simpler like "aij" if you prefer or add a soft links such as ln -s astroimagej AstroImagej ln -s astroimagej aij The script reserves 8 GB of memory so that AIJ can work with long stacks of large images. If that more or less memory is available, change the line for a different footprint. For example, java -Xmx8192m -jar /usr/local/AstroImageJ/ij.jar xxxxxxxxx would become java -Xmx1024m -jar /usr/local/AstroImageJ/ij.jar xxxxxxxxx with 1 GB of memory reserved. AIJ will work with JDK7 and has been tested on Linux using OpenSuse 13.1 It is usually helpful for at least one user to be able to update AIJ using the update utility. To enable this, make the /usr/local/AstroImageJ directory tree owned by that user: cd /usr/local chown -R username.user AstroImageJ Alternatively, AstroImageJ can be installed as a user space program to be used only by that user. To do this, untar the source code in $HOME for that user, and put the shell script in that user's $HOME/bin. The linux OS has to have $HOME/bin in the user's path which you can check with "echo $PATH". Edit the shell script's first line to be cd /$HOME/AstroImageJ When java executes it must see the current working directory as the one in which you have installed the AstroImageJ source code. AIJ will save the current data directory in its preferences and when you start it a second time it will show you the data file directory you used last.