///////////////////////////////////////////// // Scale Bar Tools for Microscope Collection //////////////////////////////////////////// // Author: Gilles Carpentier // Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, // Universite Paris 12 Val de Marne, France. // May 2009 // documentation at the http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ImageJ/?Scale-Bar-Tools-for-Microscopes.html // Image sample, http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/images/myotube.tif.zip // The RGB image sample, is a composite of three microscopic images of the same field in fluorescence mode. // The example contains a triple lableling of a differentiated mouse myogenic cell line. // Cell culture and immunochemistry; Juliette Peltzer. // Images from the courtesy of Dr Angelica Keller. Scion CFW-1310M CCD camera mounted on an Olympus BH-2 with a // 0.3x C-mount optical adaptor. // For more details about the cell line, contact Dr Angelica Keller at keller@univ-paris12.fr // Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, // Universite Paris 12 Val de Marne, France. // global variables // Check the net var errorNetMessage ="Error: "; var urllist = "http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ij/ijupdatetest/ListOfMacros.txt";// to check the internet access // Array containing the calibration data specific to each acquisition device: var microscope1=newArray(""); // variable for demo image var demoimagelink = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/images/myotube.tif.zip"; var demoimagelink2 = "http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ij/ijmacro/scalebar/myotube-sc.tif"; var demoimagename = "myotube.tif"; var onlinedoclink = "http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ImageJ/?Scale-Bar-Tools-for-Microscopes.html"; var demoimagename2 = "myotube-sc.tif"; // variable for the objectives data var objectdata = newArray(16); var objective = newArray("no choice","Unchanged","Uncalibrated","","","","","","Other"); // list of choice deduced from objectives data var obj="no choice",reponseUser,model=""; var nomdimage ="", imageid,imageCalibid,imagex,imagey,blackmarge=0,nblinecom=3,hightnblinecom=15,hightcom=24,TimeString; var userchoices = newArray(14),pixobj,calibration ="",textcalib="",otherobjecvalue,otherobjective,unit,pixelWidth, userLenght=0,lastCustuserbar=0; var microscopeCollection="Microscope Profiles Collection",editMode=0; var pixdist=1,knowndist=0.2, scaleunit="",defaultbar=0,pixobj=1,zoom=1,otherpixdist,otherknowndistance,othermodel="",autosave=0,spacerset=1,metaset=1,scalebarset=1,infoset=1,scaleset=1,noscaleLine=0; var um = getInfo("micrometer.abbreviation"); // µm var xx = requires143d (); // check version at install time function requires143d() {requires("1.43d"); return 0;} macro "Unused Tool- 1" {} // Space (empty tool icon) between native ImageJ tools and tools of this toolset. macro "Scale Bar Action Tool - C111D4bD4cD6bCfffD00D08D09D0aD0bD0cD0dD0eD0fD10D18D19D1aD1bD1cD1dD1eD1fD20D21D22D23D25D26D27D28D29D2aD2bD2cD2dD2eD2fD30D31D32D33D35D36D37D38D39D3aD3bD3cD3dD3eD3fD40D41D42D43D45D46D47D48D4eD4fD50D51D52D53D55D56D57D58D59D5aD5dD5eD5fD60D61D62D63D65D66D67D68D6dD6eD6fD70D71D72D73D75D76D77D78D79D7aD7bD7dD7eD7fD80D81D82D83D85D86D87D88D8dD8eD8fD90D91D92D93D95D96D97D98D9aD9bD9cD9dD9eD9fDa0Da1Da2Da3Da5Da6Da7Da8DadDaeDafDb0Db1Db2Db3Db5Db6Db7Db8DbbDbcDbdDbeDbfDc0Dc1Dc2Dc3Dc5Dc6Dc7Dc8DcdDceDcfDd0Dd1Dd2Dd3Dd5Dd6Dd7Dd8Dd9DdaDdbDdcDddDdeDdfDe0De8De9DeaDebDecDedDeeDefDf0Df8Df9DfaDfbDfcDfdDfeDffC222D8bDabC03fD02D03D04D05D06D12D13D14D15D16D24D34D44D54D64D74D84D94Da4Db4Dc4Dd4De4Df2Df3Df4Df5Df6C89fD01D07D11D17De2De3De5De6Df1Df7C222D4aD6aD8aDaaC555D99Db9C999D5cC444Da9C999D6cD8cDacDccCbcfDe1De7C333D49D69D89DcaDcbC666D4dDc9CfffD7cDbaCbbbD5b"{ setScaleBarre (); } macro "Extract and Edit Image Action Tool - C01538R01fdR23" { extractAndEditImage (); } var availableMicroProfiles = InstalledProfiles(); // installed microscope profiles menu tool var aCmds = newMenu("Available Microscope Profiles Menu Tool",availableMicroProfiles); macro "Available Microscope Profiles Menu Tool - CfffD00D01D02D03D04D05D06D07D08D09D0aD0bD0cD0dD0eD0fD10D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D1aD1bD1cD1dD1eD1fD20D21D22D23D24D25D26D27D28D29D2aD2bD2cD2dD2eD30D31D32D33D34D35D36D37D38D39D3aD3bD3cD3dD40D41D42D43D44D45D46D4bD4cD4dD50D51D52D53D54D55D5cD5dD60D61D62D63D64D67D68D69D70D71D72D73D77D78D79D89D8cD8dD99D9cDa0Da1Da2Da3Da4Da5Da6Da7Da8Da9DacDb0Db1Db2Db3Db4Db5Db6Db7Db8Db9DbcDbdDc0Dc1Dc2Dc3Dc4Dc5Dc6Dc7Dc8Dc9DcbDccDcdDceDd0Dd1Dd2Dd3Dd4Dd5Dd6Dd7Dd8Dd9DdaDdbDdcDddDdeDdfDe0De1De2De3De4De5De6De7De8De9DeaDebDecDedDeeDefDf0Df1Df2Df3Df4Df5Df6Df7Df8Df9DfaDfbDfcDfdDfeDffC38fD2fD3eD3fD48D49D4aD4eD4fD56D57D58D59D5aD5bD5eD5fD66D6aD6bD6cD6dD6fD75D76D7aD7bD7cD7dD7fD80D81D82D83D84D85D86D87D88D8fD90D98D9fC25fD74C24fD6eD7eD8eD91D92D96D9aD9eDaaDaeC37fD47D65D8aD8bD93D94D95D97D9bD9dDabDadDafDbbDbfC32fDbaDbeDca"{ cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd!="-" && cmd !="No microscope profile found" && cmd != "Record this tool into the \"toolsets\" folder, to use this menu tool." ) { var microscope1=GetArrayFromProfile(cmd); } } var mCmds = newMenu("Microscope Profiles Manager Menu Tool",newArray("Get Current Microscope Profile Infos","Get Meta-Label","Get Meta-Infos","-","Create a New Microscope Profile","Edit & Modify a Microscope Profile","-","Erase a Microscope Profile","Restore a Microscope Profile from a Scaled Image","-","Update the Microscope Profiles Menu")); macro "Microscope Profiles Manager Menu Tool - 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"{ cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Get Current Microscope Profile Infos") { infos=testGetArrayFromProfile(); if (infos != "" ) {print("\\Clear");print(infos);} else {exit ("No microscope profile selected");} } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Create a New Microscope Profile") editMicProfile ("new"); if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Edit & Modify a Microscope Profile") editMicProfile ("edit"); if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Restore a Microscope Profile from a Scaled Image") testSaveaProfile (); if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Erase a Microscope Profile") {editMode=1; rmProfFromProfileCat (); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Get Meta-Label") { metafromima=getMetaLabel (); if (metafromima != "") {print("\\Clear");print ("Metadata of the Image Title\:");print (getMetaLabel ());} if (metafromima == "") showMessage ("No metadata label available in this image"); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Get Meta-Infos") { metafromima=getMetaInfosIma (); if (metafromima != "") {print("\\Clear");print ("Metadata Infos Concerning the Image\:");print (getMetaInfosIma ());} metafromprof=getMetaInfosMic (); if (metafromprof != "") {print ("Metadata Concerning the Microscope Profile\:");print (getMetaInfosMic ());} if (metafromima == "" && metafromima =="") showMessage ("No metadata infos available in this image"); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Update the Microscope Profiles Menu") UpdateProfileList(); if (cmd!="-") {if (isOpen("Log")) selectWindow ("Log");} } var dCmds = newMenu("On Line Documentation & Demo Menu Tool",newArray ("Open On Line Documentation","Download Unscaled Sample Image","Download a Scaled Sample Image","-","Install a Demo Microscope Profiles Set")); macro "On Line Documentation & Demo Menu Tool - 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"{ cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Open On Line Documentation") { netTest (); doc (); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Download Unscaled Sample Image") { OpenImageLink(demoimagelink,demoimagename,1); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Download a Scaled Sample Image") { OpenImageLink(demoimagelink2,demoimagename2,1); } if (cmd!="-" && cmd == "Install a Demo Microscope Profiles Set") instalDemoCollection (); } // click right menu // menu popup summering most used commands of the toolset (click right) var pmCmds = newMenu("Popup Menu", newArray("Scale Bar","-","Extract and Edit Image","About \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\"")); // click right menu, (ctrl click) macro "Popup Menu" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd !="-" && cmd =="Scale Bar") {setScaleBarre ();} if (cmd !="-" && cmd =="Extract and Edit Image") {extractAndEditImage ();} if (cmd !="-" && cmd =="About \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\"") {aboutTheTools ();} } macro "About \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\" Action Tool - 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" { aboutTheTools (); } function aboutTheTools () { requires("1.42k"); about="------------------------ \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\" --------------------------\n"; about= about+"The \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\" allows drawing of scale bars in image margins, for"; about= about+"\n several microscopes profiles stored on the computer. It also allows calibration of images, and"; about= about+"\n keeps set informations in metadata. The integrity of the image area is so preserved, and margin"; about= about+"\n can be removed by a single click."; about=about + "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; about= about+"\nInstallation: the tools file has to be stored in the \"ImageJ\/macros\/toolset\" repertory"; about=about + "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; about= about+"\nShort documentation:"; about=about+"\n"; about= about+"\n - \"Scale Bar tool icon\": creates a scaled and calibrated image once a microscope profile has been"; about= about+"\n choosen from the \"Available Microscope Profiles\" tool bar menu icon."; about= about+"\n - \"Extract and Edit\" Image tool icon: creates an image with original name from a scaled image"; about= about+"\n without margin and metadata."; about= about+"\n - \"Available Microscope Profiles\" tool bar menu icon: choice of the appropriate microscope profile"; about= about+"\n to use, before drawing a scale bar."; about= about+"\n - \"Microscope Profiles Manager\" tool bar menu icon contains every functions required to create or"; about= about+"\n modify the microscope profiles. It also contains some functions to read the \"Label\" and \"Info\""; about= about+"\n metadata set to the scaled image (see online documentation for more details)."; about= about+"\n - \"Online Documentation and Demo\" tool bar menu gives some internet ressources\; documentation,"; about= about+"\n scaled and unscaled images samples and a demo set of microscope profiles for training."; about= about+"\n - Click on the \"Version and Update Infos\" ImageJ tool bar icon to look for new versions."; about=about + "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; about=about +"\nAuthor : Gilles Carpentier"+"\nFaculte des Sciences et Technologies"+"\nUniversite Paris 12 Val de Marne, France."; about=about + "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; about=about +"\nThis tool is inspired from the scalling functionalities of the \"3FluoLablelingExploringTools\" available "; about=about +"\non the ImageJ web site: http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/tools/3FluoLablelingExploringTools.txt"; about=about + "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; about=about+ testGetArrayFromProfile(); showMessage(about); // from PrintToTextWindow macro available at the http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/macros/PrintToTextWindow.txt // author: Wayne Rasband title1 = "Infos for the \"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes\""; title2 = "["+title1+"]"; f = title2; if (isOpen(title1)) { print(f, "\\Update:"); // clears the window print(f, about); selectWindow (title1); } else { run("New... ", "name="+title2+" type=[Text File] width=80 height=16"); print(f, about); } } macro "Version and Update Infos Action Tool - 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" { VersionInfos (); } function setScaleBarre () { requires("1.42n"); // check for a previous calibration by this tool metalabel=getMetadata("Label"); metainfo=getMetadata("Info"); if (metalabel != "" && (indexOf(metainfo, "") >=0)) exit ("This image has already been scaled\:\n"+metalabel); if (microscope1[0] == "") exit ("First select a microscope profile from the blue microscope menu"); var calibdata = microscope1; setBatchMode(true); imageid=getImageID(); depth = bitDepth; nbslice = getSliceNumber(); objectlist = getlistobj (calibdata); if (otherobjecvalue != 0){ objectlist[6] = otherobjective; } else { model=objectdata[0]; } reponseUser=0; while (reponseUser==0) {resultchoices=userparameters (imageid);} if (pixobj==6) { resultchoices[7]=otherobjective; objectlist[6]=otherobjective; } else { model=objectdata[0]; } //blackmarge =(hightcom*nblinecom); //hightnblinecom : hight of a line of info //nbline : nb of line of info //hightcom : hight of the scale if (scaleset == 1 || scalebarset ==1) {blackmarge =(hightnblinecom* (nblinecom * infoset) + hightcom); noscaleLine = 0;} if (scaleset == 0 && scalebarset ==0) {blackmarge =(hightnblinecom* (nblinecom * infoset)); noscaleLine = 1;} makeBottomMargin (imageid); selectImage (imageCalibid); run("Set Scale...", resultchoices[9]); SetBar (imageCalibid,resultchoices[7],resultchoices[10],-1,imagex,imagey); if (autosave == 1) AutoSaveCalib (imageid,imageCalibid); setBatchMode("exit and display"); } function extractAndEditImage () { initScaled=getImageID(); xsc = getWidth(); ysc = getHeight(); namesc= getTitle; setBatchMode(true); metalabel=getMetadata("Label"); metainfo=getMetadata("Info"); pref= ""; suff =""; if (metalabel == "" && (indexOf(metainfo, "") < 0)) {exit ("This image has not been treated by this tool");} if (indexOf(metainfo,pref) >0 && indexOf(metainfo,suff) >0) { blackmargeValue = parseFloat (substring (metainfo, (indexOf(metainfo, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(metainfo, suff))); } else {exit ("The metadata seems to be corrupted");} pref = "" ; suff = ""; if (indexOf(metainfo,pref) >0 && indexOf(metainfo,suff) >0) { xsizeValue = parseFloat (substring (metainfo, (indexOf(metainfo, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(metainfo, suff))); } else {exit ("The metadata seems to be corrupted");} pref = "" ; suff = ""; if (indexOf(metainfo,pref) >0 && indexOf(metainfo,suff) >0) { ysizeValue = parseFloat (substring (metainfo, (indexOf(metainfo, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(metainfo, suff))); } else {exit ("The metadata seems to be corrupted");} if ((xsc != xsizeValue) || (ysc != (ysizeValue + blackmargeValue))) {exit ("The size of the image doesn't correspond to the original");} newName=namesc; if (indexOf(namesc,"-sc") > 0) {newName = substring (namesc, 0, indexOf(namesc, "-sc")); } selectImage (initScaled); run("Duplicate...", "title=["+newName+"]"); setMetadata("Info", ""); if (blackmargeValue > 0) { makeRectangle(0, 0, xsizeValue, ysizeValue); run("Crop"); run("Select None"); } setBatchMode("exit and display"); } // function removing a microscope profile file function rmProfFromProfileCat () { UpdateProfileList();ok=1; nameofprofiles=InstalledProfiles(); choix = catalogMicroPref (nameofprofiles,"remove"); ijlocation = getDirectory("startup"); filetodelete = ijlocation+ microscopeCollection + File.separator+ choix ; if (File.exists(filetodelete )) showMessageWithCancel ("You will delete the \""+ choix + "\" microscope profile file\. Continue?"); trydelete= File.delete(filetodelete); if (trydelete == 1) {print("\\Clear");print ("The \""+ choix+ "\" microscope profile file has been deleted");} else {print("\\Clear");print ("The \""+ choix+ "\" microscope profile file can't be delete for unknown reason");} UpdateProfileList(); } // function editing for modification a microscope profile function editMicProfile (kind) { choice="";toutok=0; ijlocation = getDirectory("startup"); if (kind == "edit") { UpdateProfileList(); nameofprofiles=InstalledProfiles(); choice = catalogMicroPref (nameofprofiles,"edit-modify"); ijlocation = getDirectory("startup"); contentOfProf=GetArrayFromProfile(choice); } if (kind == "new") {contentOfProf=newArray(21);} while (toutok == 0) { Dialog.create("Editing of the \""+choice+"\" Microscope profile"); Dialog.addMessage("Modify the values as explained in the documentation. Changing name creates a new profile"); Dialog.addString("Microscope profile name", contentOfProf[0],30); Dialog.addString("Objective 1", contentOfProf[1],15); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels", contentOfProf[2], 0, 5, "pixels"); Dialog.addNumber("Known Distance in "+um, contentOfProf[3], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addNumber("Default bar size in "+um, contentOfProf[4], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addString("Objective 2", contentOfProf[5],15); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels", contentOfProf[6], 0, 5, "pixels"); Dialog.addNumber("Known Distance in "+um, contentOfProf[7], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addNumber("Default bar size in "+um, contentOfProf[8], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addString("Objective 3", contentOfProf[9],15); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels", contentOfProf[10], 0, 5, "pixels"); Dialog.addNumber("Known Distance in "+um, contentOfProf[11], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addNumber("Default bar size in "+um, contentOfProf[12], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addString("Objective 4", contentOfProf[13],15); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels", contentOfProf[14], 0, 5, "pixels"); Dialog.addNumber("Known Distance in "+um, contentOfProf[15], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addNumber("Default bar size in "+um, contentOfProf[16], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addString("Objective 5", contentOfProf[17],15); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels", contentOfProf[18], 0, 5, "pixels"); Dialog.addNumber("Known Distance in "+um, contentOfProf[19], 3, 8, um); Dialog.addNumber("Default bar size in "+um, contentOfProf[20], 3, 8, um); Dialog.show(); // ansvers contentOfProf[0] =Dialog.getString(); // objective 1 contentOfProf[1] =Dialog.getString(); contentOfProf[2] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[3] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[4] =Dialog.getNumber(); // objective 2 contentOfProf[5] =Dialog.getString(); contentOfProf[6] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[7] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[8] =Dialog.getNumber(); // objective 3 contentOfProf[9] =Dialog.getString(); contentOfProf[10] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[11] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[12] =Dialog.getNumber(); // objective 4 contentOfProf[13] =Dialog.getString(); contentOfProf[14] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[15] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[16] =Dialog.getNumber(); // objective 5 contentOfProf[17] =Dialog.getString(); contentOfProf[18] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[19] =Dialog.getNumber(); contentOfProf[20] =Dialog.getNumber(); for (i=0; i= 0 ){ metainfoimage = substring (metaInfos, (indexOf(metaInfos, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(metaInfos, suff)); } return metainfoimage; } function getMetaInfosMic () { // extract metainfos from the microscope profile metaInfos = getMetadata("Info"); metainfomicprofile=""; pref=""; suff =""; if ((indexOf(metaInfos, pref)) >= 0 ) { metainfomicprofile = substring (metaInfos, (indexOf(metaInfos, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(metaInfos, suff)); } return metainfomicprofile; } function testGetArrayFromProfile() { // from the curent microscope profile name, return a profile info recorded on the hd if (microscope1[0] != "") { linesOfProfile = getFileContents (microscope1[0]); profilArray= getArrayFromProfile (linesOfProfile); curentprofileInfo="\n Current Microcope Profile\:\n \n"; if (profilArray[0] != 0) curentprofileInfo=curentprofileInfo + profilArray[0] + "\n"; for (i=1; i") < 0)) {exit ("This image has not been treated by this tool");} pref = ""; suff =""; if (indexOf(metainfo,pref) <0 || indexOf(metainfo,suff) <0) {exit ("The metadata seems to be corrupted");} pref = ""; suff =""; microprof=getMetaInfosMic (); var microscope1=newArray (21); for (i=0; i<21; i++) { microscope1 [i]= substring (microprof, (indexOf(microprof, pref)+lengthOf(pref)), indexOf(microprof, suff)); microprof=substring (microprof, (indexOf(microprof, suff) +lengthOf(suff)),lengthOf(microprof)); } testProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (testProfil[0],testProfil[1]); UpdateProfileList(); } function makeBottomMargin (imageid) { selectImage(imageid); nomdimage = getTitle; compo=0; width = getWidth(); height = getHeight(); imagex=width; imagey=height; //if name contains "." or other extention: if (lastIndexOf(nomdimage, ".") > 0) {nomdimage=substring (nomdimage,0,lastIndexOf(nomdimage, "."));} nomdimage= nomdimage + "-sc"; selectImage (imageid); if (is("composite")==1) { showMessage ("The scaled image will be 24 bit RGB encoded.");run("RGB Color"); depth = bitDepth; run("Select All");run("Copy");run("Select None");close (); } else { run("Select None"); run("Duplicate...", "title=dup_"+nomdimage); depth = bitDepth; if (depth == 16 || depth == 32) {showMessage ("The scaled image will be 8 bit grey encoded.");run("8-bit"); depth = bitDepth;} run("Select None");run("Select All");run("Copy");run("Select None");close (); } if (depth == 24) tipeu="\"RGB Black\""; if (depth == 8) tipeu="\"8-bit Black\""; newImage(nomdimage, tipeu, width, (height+blackmarge), nbslice); makeRectangle(0, 0, width, height); setPasteMode("Copy"); run("Paste"); run("Select None"); if (blackmarge !=0 ) { setLineWidth(1);setColor(255,255,255) ; drawLine(0, height,width, height); } imageCalibid=getImageID(); } function AutoSaveCalib (init,calib) { selectImage(init); chemin=getDirectory("image"); if (chemin != "") { selectImage(calib); nom=getTitle; path=chemin+nom; format ="tiff"; saveAs (format, path); } } // Function creating working arrays from the (calibdata) array contaning the microscope(n) data (n=1). // return calibration data in the global array objectdata function getlistobj (microdata) { for (i=0;i<5;i++) { ii=(i*4+1); objective[i+3]=microdata[ii]; } objectdata[0]=microdata[0]; a=0; for (ii=0;ii<5;ii++) { for (i=1;i<4;i++){ a=a+1; objectdata[a]=microdata[ii*4+i+1]; } } nbobj = 6; objectlist = newArray(nbobj+1); objectlist[0]="Obj ?"; for (ob = 1; ob <= nbobj; ob ++) { objectlist[ob]=objective[ob+2]; } return objectlist; } function getCalib (image) { selectImage(image); getPixelSize(unit, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); if (unit !=um) {calibration = um+" uncalibrated";} else {calibration = " "+ d2s(pixelWidth,4) +" "+unit+" /pixel";} textinfo="Current spatial calibration is ("+calibration+" )" ; return textinfo; } function userparameters (image) { // Current calibration (pixel are supposed to be squared) : if (model == "") {model=objectdata[0];} textcalib=getCalib (image); if ( model != "" && model != objectdata[0]) {diaMicro="Other for Microscope Model: "+ model;} else {diaMicro="Calibrating for Microscope Model: "+ model;} Dialog.create("User settings for the image acquisition."); Dialog.addMessage (diaMicro); Dialog.addChoice(textcalib, objective,obj); Dialog.addCheckbox("Draw a scale bar", scalebarset); Dialog.addCheckbox("Write scale", scaleset); Dialog.addCheckbox("Write infos", infoset); Dialog.addCheckbox("Auto-Save the scaled image", autosave); Dialog.show(); obj = Dialog.getChoice(); scalebarset = Dialog.getCheckbox(); scaleset = Dialog.getCheckbox(); infoset = Dialog.getCheckbox(); autosave = Dialog.getCheckbox(); userchoices[7] = obj; defaultbar=""; pixdist=""; scaleunit=""; knowndist=""; spcalibration=""; if (obj == objectlist[1]) { pixdist= objectdata[1]; knowndist=objectdata[2];scaleunit=um;defaultbar=objectdata[3]; pixobj=1; } if (obj == objectlist[2]) { pixdist= objectdata[4]; knowndist=objectdata[5];scaleunit=um;defaultbar=objectdata[6]; pixobj=2; } if (obj == objectlist[3]) { pixdist= objectdata[7]; knowndist=objectdata[8];scaleunit=um;defaultbar=objectdata[9]; pixobj=3; } if (obj == objectlist[4]) { pixdist= objectdata[10]; knowndist=objectdata[11];scaleunit=um;defaultbar=objectdata[12]; pixobj=4; } if (obj == objectlist[5]) { pixdist= objectdata[13]; knowndist=objectdata[14];scaleunit=um;defaultbar=objectdata[15]; pixobj=5; } if (obj == "Uncalibrated") { pixdist= 0; knowndist=0;scaleunit="pixel";defaultbar=100;pixobj=0; } if (obj == "Unchanged" ) { pixdist= 100; knowndist=(pixelWidth*100);scaleunit=unit;defaultbar=50;pixobj=0; } if (obj == "Other") { other (image); } if (unit !=um && obj == "Unchanged") userchoices[8] = 0; if (pixobj > 0 && pixobj< 6) model = objectdata[0]; spcalibration= "distance="+pixdist+" known="+knowndist+" pixel=1 unit="+scaleunit; userchoices[9] =spcalibration; userchoices[10]=defaultbar; getPixelSize(unit, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); if (obj== "Uncalibrated") { objectcode= 0; userchoices[8] = 0; } if (obj != "no choice") reponseUser =1; if (obj == "-") {obj="no choice"; userchoices[7]="no choice";reponseUser =0;} return userchoices; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function for spacial calibration with other data than these contained in the microscope specific array. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function other (image) { if (objectdata[0] == model) model =""; textcalib=getCalib (image); if (otherpixdist <= 0) pixdist= 1; else {pixdist = otherpixdist;} if (otherknowndistance <= 0) knowndist=0.2; else {knowndist = otherknowndistance;} if (othermodel != "") model=othermodel; scaleunit=um; defaultbar=10; pixobj=6; Dialog.create("Other settings for the calibration."); Dialog.addMessage(textcalib); Dialog.addNumber("Magnify factor of the objective (< 100, with the number format: xx.x) ? ",otherobjecvalue); Dialog.addNumber("Distance in pixels ? ",pixdist); Dialog.addNumber("Known distance (in the following format: x.xx) ? ",knowndist); Dialog.addNumber("Zoom factor (lsm) ? ",zoom); Dialog.addString("Microscope model ? ", model); Dialog.show(); otherobjecvalue = Dialog.getNumber(); pixdist = Dialog.getNumber(); knowndist = Dialog.getNumber(); otherpixdist=pixdist;otherknowndistance=knowndist; zoom=Dialog.getNumber(); model=Dialog.getString();othermodel=model; otherobjective="Obj "+otherobjecvalue+"x"; pixdist=pixdist*100; knowndist=knowndist*100; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function drawing a scale bar in the lower black margin. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SetBar (targetid,objec,baresize,spacer,imagex,imagey) { metaLabelMicro=""; metaInfoMicro=""; single=0; if (spacer == -1) single=1; selectImage (targetid); largimage = getWidth(); hautimage =getHeight(); getPixelSize(unit, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); pixbar= floor(baresize/pixelWidth); if (pixbar >= (largimage/5)) { while (pixbar >= (largimage/5)) { pixbar= floor(baresize/pixelWidth); baresize = floor(baresize / 2); } } if (single==0) maxcustbar= floor((pixelWidth*(largimage + 3*spacer))/4); if (single==1) maxcustbar= floor((pixelWidth*largimage )/4); if (maxcustbar == 0) maxcustbar =1; custuserbar = 0; if (scalebarset == 1) { while (custuserbar < 1 || custuserbar > maxcustbar){ if (baresize == 0) baresize =1; message="Advised size of the bar, for "+objec+" : " + baresize + " "+unit+". You can set a custom size to from 1 to "+ maxcustbar + " "+unit+ " - Current value ="; if (lastCustuserbar != 0 && lastCustuserbar <= maxcustbar) {baresize = lastCustuserbar;} Dialog.create("Custom user scale bar size."); Dialog.addNumber(message, baresize); Dialog.show(); custuserbar = Dialog.getNumber(); } } baresize = custuserbar; lastCustuserbar=baresize; barx=newArray(1); bary=newArray(1); bar="width="+baresize+" height=2 font=12 color=Yellow location=[At Selection] bold"; barx[0]=10; bary[0]=(hautimage-(blackmarge - 5)); if (scalebarset == 1) { makeSelection("point", barx, bary); run("Scale Bar...",bar); run("Select None"); } thescale = "Scale: "+ d2s (pixelWidth, 3) +" "+unit+ " / pixel"; if ((largimage - ((baresize / pixelWidth) - 20)) > 150) { xobjec=((baresize/pixelWidth) + 20); yobjec=(imagey + hightnblinecom +hightnblinecom/2); if (scalebarset == 0) xobjec=10; setColor(0, 255, 0); setFont("SansSerif", 12,"bold"); if (scaleset == 1) {drawString(thescale, xobjec, yobjec);} } if (infoset == 1) { // Insert objective in the black margin (line 1). setColor(0, 255, 255); if ((largimage+130) > 50) { xobjec=10; yobjec=(imagey + (blackmarge/nblinecom + hightnblinecom *(1-noscaleLine))); drawString(objec, xobjec, yobjec); } if (pixobj==6){ // Insert zoom and additional info in the black margin (line 1). setColor(0, 255, 255); message="Zoom factor (lsm): "+zoom; if (largimage > 290) { xobjec=70; yobjec=(imagey + (blackmarge/nblinecom + hightnblinecom *(1-noscaleLine))); drawString(message, xobjec, yobjec); } } // Insert the date in the black margin (line 2). thedate = GetTime (); setColor(150, 150, 255); if (largimage > 290) { xobjec=10; yobjec=(imagey + (blackmarge/nblinecom +(2-noscaleLine)*hightnblinecom )); drawString(TimeString, xobjec, yobjec); } // Insert the model of microscope corresponding to the scaling values in the black margin (line 3). setColor(150, 150, 255); message="Microscope model: "+model; if (largimage > 290) { xobjec=10; yobjec=(imagey + (blackmarge/nblinecom +(3-noscaleLine)*hightnblinecom )); drawString(message, xobjec, yobjec); } } if (metaset == 1) { // compile meta label: metaLabelMicro= metaLabelMicro + model + " \; " + objec + " \; "; if (pixobj==6){metaLabelMicro = metaLabelMicro + "Zoom: "+zoom + " \; ";} metaLabelMicro = metaLabelMicro + thescale +" "; setMetadata("Label", metaLabelMicro); // compile meta infos for current image metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" +model+ ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" +objec + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" +zoom + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" +d2s (pixelWidth, 3) + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" + unit + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" + baresize + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" + blackmarge + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" + imagex + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + "" + imagey + ""; metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + ""; // compile meta infos for the current image microscope profile metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro +""; for (i=0; i" + microscope1 [i] + "";} metaInfoMicro=metaInfoMicro + ""; setMetadata("Info", metaInfoMicro); } } function GetTime () { MonthNames = newArray("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); DayNames = newArray("Sun", "Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); TimeString ="Treatment date: "+DayNames[dayOfWeek]+" "; if (dayOfMonth<10) {TimeString = TimeString+"0";} TimeString = TimeString+dayOfMonth+"-"+MonthNames[month]+"-"+year+" Time: "; if (hour<10) {TimeString = TimeString+"0";} TimeString = TimeString+hour+":"; if (minute<10) {TimeString = TimeString+"0";} TimeString = TimeString+minute+":"; if (second<10) {TimeString = TimeString+"0";} TimeString = TimeString+second; return TimeString; } function saveMicroPref (profileName,profileContents) { microlocation = getDirectory("startup"); filedestination = microlocation+ microscopeCollection + File.separator+ profileName ; if (File.exists(filedestination + "-MicProf"+".txt")) showMessageWithCancel ("A \"" + profileName + "\" microscope profile already exists. Overwrite it?"); // Create a (name contened in the variable repertory microscopeCollection) in ImageJ folder. microDir = microlocation + microscopeCollection + File.separator; File.makeDirectory(microDir ); if (!File.exists(microDir)) exit("Unable to create directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); pathProf = filedestination + "-MicProf"+".txt"; theprofile = File.open(pathProf); print (theprofile,profileContents); File.close(theprofile); } function catalogMicroPref (listerm,action) { if (listerm.length > 0 && listerm[0] != "No microscope profile found") { Dialog.create("List of Microscope Profiles"); message="Choose the microscope profile to "+ action; Dialog.addChoice(message, listerm); Dialog.show(); chosenProfile = Dialog.getChoice(); return chosenProfile; } else {exit ("No microscope profile found");} } // Function giving the number (NumberOfProfiles) of profiles contained a file list (lprofile). function getProfileNumber (lprofile) { NumberOfProfiles=0; for (i=0; i lengthOf("-MicProf.txt")) NumberOfProfiles ++; } return NumberOfProfiles; } // Function giving a text profile from a profile array function getProfileFromArray (arrayToTreat) { pref=""; suff =""; textFomArray=newArray (2); // 0 contains the title of the array, 1 contains the profile text itself textFomArray[0]=arrayToTreat[0]; text=""; for (i=1; i lengthOf("-MicProf.txt")) { catalogue [nbProf]=listoffiles[i]; shortCat [nbProf]=replace(catalogue [nbProf], "-MicProf.txt", ""); nbProf++; } } } else { var catalogue= newArray ("No microscope profile found"); var shortCat= newArray ("No microscope profile found"); } if (editMode ==0) return shortCat; if (editMode ==1) return catalogue; } function instalDemoCollection () { microscope1 = newArray("Axiovert 10 CCD Axiocam MRm","Obj 5x achro","772","1000","100","Obj 5x neofluo","759","1000","100","Obj 10x achro","755","500","50","Obj 10x neofluo","763","500","50","Obj 20x achro","612","200","25"); demoProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (demoProfil[0],demoProfil[1]); microscope1 = newArray("Olympus BH-2 CCD Scion","Obj 4x","832","1000","100","Obj 10x","207","100","50","Obj 20x","417","100","50","Obj 40x","833","100","10","Obj 100x","185","9","10"); demoProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (demoProfil[0],demoProfil[1]); microscope1 = newArray("Leica Palermo","Obj 10x","658","500","50", "Obj 20x","525","200","50","Obj 40x","530","100","10", "Obj 63x","827","100","10", "Obj 100x","1312","100","10"); demoProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (demoProfil[0],demoProfil[1]); microscope1 = newArray("Leitz Aristoplan CCD CoolSnap ","Obj 6,3x","436","500","100","Obj 10x plan","549","400","50","Obj 25x Fluotar","1035","300","50","Obj 40x Fluotar","1103","200","10","Obj 100x oil Fluotar","1103","80","10"); demoProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (demoProfil[0],demoProfil[1]); microscope1 = newArray("Nikon TE2000 Salpetriere CCD Hamamatsu","Obj 10x ph1","1160","500","50", "Obj 20x plan fluo","928","200","50","-","1","1","1", "-","1","1","1","-","1","1","1"); demoProfil=getProfileFromArray (microscope1); saveMicroPref (demoProfil[0],demoProfil[1]); UpdateProfileList(); } function UpdateProfileList() { // update the profile list kind="toolsets";macroname="Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes.txt"; macropath=getDirectory("macros") + kind + File.separator+ macroname; if (!File.exists(macropath)) {exit ("Record this tool into the \"ImageJ\/macros\/toolset\" repertory folder\nwith the name \"" +macroname+ "\", to use it.");} run("Install...", "install=["+macropath+"]"); } function netTest () { erNetMessage ="Error: "; testlink = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/Arrays.txt"; if (indexOf (File.openUrlAsString(urllist), errorNetMessage) >0) exit("You need an internet access to run this function."); } function OpenImageLink(link,name,question) { // Check if already downloaded. demoimalocation = getDirectory("startup"); fildestination = demoimalocation+ "Downloaded Demo Images/" + name; if (File.exists(fildestination)) { if (question ==1 ) showMessageWithCancel ("The \"" + name + "\" has already been downloaded. Open it?"); open(fildestination); } else { netTest (); showMessageWithCancel ("ImageJ will download a demo image. Continue?"); run("URL...", "url=["+link+"]"); imageid = getImageID(); nomdimage = getTitle; // Create a repertory in ImageJ folder. ImaDemo = demoimalocation+"Downloaded Demo Images"+File.separator; File.makeDirectory(ImaDemo); if (!File.exists(ImaDemo)) exit("Unable to create directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); selectWindow(nomdimage); save(""+ImaDemo+""+ nomdimage +""); } } function doc () { netTest (); showMessageWithCancel ("A notice is avaible on line. Open it with your default web browser?"); run("URL...", "url=["+onlinedoclink +"]"); } // -------------------*** Additionnal code for on line update resources ***----------------------------- //Developer info //Kind:Toolset //Title:"Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes" //Version:1.0 //Date: 11/05/2009 //Origin:NIH //End info function VersionInfos () { // variables for on line update resources beginsign="//Developer info";endsign="//End info"; kind="toolsets/"; urlrep="http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ij/ijmacro/scalebar/"; name="Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes.txt"; namedev="Scale Bar Tools for Microscopes-dev.txt"; favoritefoldername= "Image.Bio.Methods"; version=versionMessage(); if (indexOf(version, "install it?" ) > 0 ) { macrotext=getdistantmacro (namedev,urlrep);macrolocal=""; macropath=getDirectory("macros")+kind+namedev; if (File.exists(macropath)) {macrolocal=File.openAsString(macropath);} if (macrotext != macrolocal) { //perfom the installation Dialog.create("New version installation option"); Dialog.addMessage(version); Dialog.addCheckbox("Install a Plugin Shortcut?", 0); Dialog.addMessage("(This option provides a shortcut in the plugins menu of ImageJ, making easier\nthe next use of the new installed version)."); Dialog.show(); plugin= Dialog.getCheckbox(); f= File.open(macropath); print (f,macrotext); File.close(f); if (plugin ==1) {InstallPluginsStarter(namedev);} message="The installation of the "+giveDevInfo (macrotext,1)+ " "+ giveDevInfo (macrotext,2)+ "is completed."; message=message+ " Do you want to run it?"; showMessageWithCancel(message); run("Install...", "install=["+macropath+"]"); } } else {showMessage (version); // comment without installation available} } function versionMessage() { version=""; if (getDirectory("startup") == 0) exit ("Unable to find the startup directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); if (getDirectory("macros") == 0) exit ("Unable to find the macros directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); MacroPath=getDirectory("macros");thismacropath=MacroPath+kind+name; if (! File.exists(thismacropath)) exit ("This macro has to be recorded under the name of \"" +name+"\"\ninto the \"macros/"+kind+"\" folder of ImageJ."); macrotext=File.openAsString(thismacropath); macrotextdistant=getdistantmacro (namedev,urlrep); version="";macrolocal=""; version=version + "\n \nThis version of the " + giveDevInfo (macrotext,1) + " " + giveDevInfo (macrotext,2); version=version + "is provided by the " + giveDevInfo (macrotext,5)+ " web site."; version=version + "\nVersion number: " + giveDevInfo (macrotext,3)+ " - " + giveDevInfo (macrotext,4) +"."; if (macrotextdistant !="" ) { new=giveDevInfo (macrotextdistant,3);old=giveDevInfo (macrotext,3); if (new > old) { macropath=getDirectory("macros")+kind+namedev; if (File.exists(macropath)) {macrolocal=File.openAsString(macropath);} if (macrotextdistant != macrolocal) { update="\n \nA new version "+new+ " is available on the " +giveDevInfo (macrotextdistant,5)+ " web site: "; update=update+ "\n \nDo you want to install it?"; } else { update ="\n \nThe latest "+new+" version called \"" +namedev+ "\" provided by \nthe "+giveDevInfo (macrotextdistant,5) +" web site has already be installed"; update = update+ " in the \"" +kind+ "\" repertory \nof ImageJ."; } } else { update="No new version available."; } version=version +"\n" + update ; } return version; } function giveDevInfo (text,n) { lines=split(text,"\n"); if ( (indexOf(text, beginsign)<0) || (indexOf(text, endsign)<0) ) exit ("Not upgradable macro code."); for (i=0; lines[i] != endsign; i ++) {} for (j=i; lines[j] != beginsign; j --) {} infotext=newArray(i-j-1); for (i=0; i < infotext.length; i ++) {infotext[i]=lines[i+j+1];} info=infotext[n-1]; signature=":"; cut = indexOf(info, signature); info = substring(info,(cut+lengthOf(signature)),lengthOf(info)); return info; } // Function giving the content of a distant macro (name) located at the distant repertory (urlrep). function getdistantmacro (name,urlrep) { macrotextnih=""; erNetMessage ="Error: "; testlink = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/Arrays.txt"; if (indexOf (File.openUrlAsString(testlink), erNetMessage) < 0) { distantmacrolink = urlrep + name; if (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ") > -1) { while (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ") > -1) { distantmacrolink=substring(distantmacrolink, 0, (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ")))+"%20"+substring(distantmacrolink, (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ")+1),lengthOf(distantmacrolink) ); } } showStatus("Internet link..."); macrotextnih =File.openUrlAsString(distantmacrolink); showStatus(""); } else { showMessage ("No internet connection to looks for new version.");} return macrotextnih; } function InstallPluginsStarter(macroname) { // from MacroPluginShortcutsTool.txt codestarter = "run\(\"Install...\", \"install=[\"+getDirectory(\"macros\")+\""+kind+ macroname + "\]\"\);"; if (getDirectory("plugins") == "") exit ("Unable to find the Plugins directory; something wrong in the ImageJ folder."); if (endsWith(macroname, ".txt") || endsWith(macroname, ".ijm")) pluginname = substring(macroname, 0, (lengthOf(macroname)-4)); StarterDir = getDirectory("plugins")+favoritefoldername+File.separator; File.makeDirectory(StarterDir); if (!File.exists(StarterDir)) exit ("Unable to create "+favoritefoldername+" Macros directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder."); starterplugin = StarterDir + pluginname +"_ .ijm"; f= File.open(StarterDir + pluginname +"_ .ijm"); print (f,codestarter); File.close(f); showMessage ("The plugin shortcut \"" +pluginname+ "\" will be available after\nImageJ restarting, in the \"Plugins->" + favoritefoldername + "\" menu."); } // *** End of additionnal code for on line update ressources ***