// "StartupMacros" // The macros and macro tools in this file ("StartupMacros.txt") are // automatically installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu and // in the tool bar when ImageJ starts up. // About the drawing tools. // // This is a set of drawing tools similar to the pencil, paintbrush, // eraser and flood fill (paint bucket) tools in NIH Image. The // pencil and paintbrush draw in the current foreground color // and the eraser draws in the current background color. The // flood fill tool fills the selected area using the foreground color. // Hold down the alt key to have the pencil and paintbrush draw // using the background color or to have the flood fill tool fill // using the background color. Set the foreground and background // colors by double-clicking on the flood fill tool or on the eye // dropper tool. Double-click on the pencil, paintbrush or eraser // tool to set the drawing width for that tool. // // Icons contributed by Tony Collins. // Global variables var pencilWidth=1, eraserWidth=10, leftClick=16, alt=8; var brushWidth = 10; //call("ij.Prefs.get", "startup.brush", "10"); var floodType = "8-connected"; //call("ij.Prefs.get", "startup.flood", "8-connected"); // The macro named "AutoRun" runs when ImageJ starts. // macro "AutoRun" {print("AutoRun");} // The macro named "AutoRunAndHide" runs when ImageJ starts // and the file containing it is not displayed when ImageJ opens it. // macro "AutoRunAndHide" {} macro "AutoRun" { wait(10); setTool(10); // wait(10); run("Astronomy Listener"); } //macro "Unused Tool -" {} var pmCmds = newMenu("Popup Menu", newArray("Help...", "Rename...", "Duplicate...", "Original Scale", "Paste Control...", "-", "Record...", "Capture Screen ", "Monitor Memory...", "List Commands...", "Control Panel...", "Startup Macros...", "Search...")); macro "Popup Menu" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd=="Help...") showMessage("About Popup Menu", "To customize this menu, edit the line that starts with\n\"var pmCmds\" in ImageJ/macros/StartupMacros.txt."); else run(cmd); } // macro "Abort Macro or Plugin (or press Esc key) Action Tool - CbooP51b1f5fbbf5f1b15510T5c10X" { // setKeyDown("Esc"); // } // Runs when the "Astronomy Tool" icon is clicked. macro 'Astronomy_Tool Tool- C000F00ffCf77o3422Cfffo9922CfffD55D27D78D2aD52D6dD93D85D4cDa3Db5Dc8DabDdd' { //macro 'Astronomy_Tool Tool- Cccfo22bbC88fo4477C44fo5544Cf00L707fL07f7' { run ("Astronomy Tool"); } // macro 'Astrometry Tool Options...' { // run ("Set World Coordinates"); // } // Runs when the "Aperture Photometry Tool" icon is clicked. var rStar = 15; var rSky = 20; macro 'Aperture Photometry Tool - Cf00O00ffCccfo22bbC88fo4477C44fo5544' { getCursorLoc (x,y,z,flags); makeOval (x-rSky, y-rSky, rSky*2, rSky*2); makeOval (x-rStar, y-rStar, rStar*2, rStar*2); run ("Aperture "); } macro 'Aperture Photometry Tool Options...' { run ("Set Aperture"); } // Runs when the "Multiple-Aperture Tool" icon is clicked. // macro 'Multiple Aperture Action Tool - Cf00O0099O8899Cccfo2255oaa55C00fo3333obb33' { run ("MultiAperture "); } // macro 'Multiple Aperture Tool Options...' { // run ("MultiAperture "); // } // Runs when the "Clear Overlay Tool" icon is clicked. macro 'Clear Overlay Action Tool - Cda1L0b75L2c86L4d97L6ea8L8fb9L74b3Lc7b3Cf00L75b7C431Lc3e0DbeDefDed' { // getCursorLoc (x,y,z,flags); // makeOval (x-3,y-3,7,7); run ("Clear Overlay","nix"); } // macro 'Clear Overlay Tool Options...' { // getCursorLoc (x,y,z,flags); // makeOval (x-3,y-3,7,7); // run ("Clear Overlay","nix"); // } // Runs when the "Multi-Plot Tool" icon is clicked. macro 'MultiPlot Action Tool - C000D00D01D02D03D04D05D06D07D08D09D0aD0bD0cD0dD0eD0fD10D17D1fD20D2fD30D37D3fD40D47D4fD50D57D5fD60D62D67D6fD70D71D72D73D74D75D79D7aD7bD7cD7dD7eD7fD80D82D87D8fD90D97D9fDa0Da7DafDb0Db7DbfDc0DcfDd0Dd6Dd7Dd8DdfDe0De7DefDf0Df1Df2Df3Df4Df5Df6Df7Df8Df9DfaDfbDfcDfdDfeDffCfffD11D12D13D14D15D16D1aD1bD1cD1dD1eD21D22D23D24D29D2aD2bD2cD2dD2eD31D32D33D38D39D3aD3bD3cD3dD3eD41D42D46D48D49D4aD4bD4cD4dD4eD51D52D53D56D58D59D5aD5bD5cD5dD5eD61D63D64D68D69D6aD6bD6cD6dD6eD81D83D84D85D86D8bD8cD8dD8eD91D92D93D94D95D96D98D99D9cD9dD9eDa1Da2Da3Da4Da5Da6Da8Da9DacDadDaeDb1Db2Db3Db4Db5Db6DbbDbcDbdDbeDc1Dc2Dc3Dc4Dc5Dc6DcaDcbDccDcdDceDd1Dd2Dd3Dd4Dd5Dd9DdaDdbDdcDddDdeDe1De2De3De4De5De6De8De9DeaDebDecDedDeeCf00D18D19D26D27D28D34D35D43D44D54D55D65D66D77D78D89D9aDaaDabDb9Dc8Cd33D76Cf55DbaCe44D8aCf66D45Cd34Dc7Cf66D36Dc9Ce45D88Cf66D25Ce55D9bCe55Db8' { run("MultiPlot "); } // Runs when the "Read MeasurementTable" icon is clicked. macro 'Read MeasurementTable Action Tool - C037B00R00ffL01f1L02f2L303fL707fLb0bf' { run("Read MeasurementTable"); } macro "CCD Data Processor Action Tool - C03cT0e14DCf00T9e14P" { run("Data Processor"); } macro "Coordinate Converter Action Tool - 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"{ run("Coordinate Converter"); } //macro "Adjust Brightness and Contrast Action Tool - //C037D04D05D06D07D08D09D0aD0bD0cD14D18D1cD24D28D2cD34D38D3cD45D46D47D49D4aD4bD6bD6cD76D77D78D79D7aD84D85Da6Da7Da8Da9DaaDb5//DbbDc4DccDd4DdcDe5DebDf6Dfa" { // run("Coordinate Converter"); //} // macro "Adjust Brightness and Contrast Tool Options..." { // run("Brightness/Contrast..."); // } macro "Set Drawing Color..."{ run("Color Picker..."); } macro "-" {} //menu divider macro "About Startup Macros..." { path = getDirectory("macros")+"/About Startup Macros"; if (!File.exists(path)) exit("\"About Startup Macros\" not found in ImageJ/macros/."); open(path); } macro "Save As JPEG... [j]" { quality = call("ij.plugin.JpegWriter.getQuality"); quality = getNumber("JPEG quality (0-100):", quality); run("Input/Output...", "jpeg="+quality); saveAs("Jpeg"); }