Log of Changes Made to CFITSIO - added test to see if HAVE_UNISTD_H is defined, as a condition for including unistd.h in drvrfile.c drvrnet.c, drvrsmem.c, and group.c. - modified the CMakelist.txt file to fix several issues (primarily for building CFITSIO on Windows machines).. - fixed bug when reading tile-compressed images that were compressed with the IRAF PLIO algorithm. This bug did not affect fpack or funpack, but other software that reads the compressed image could be affected. The bug would cause the data values to be offset by 32768 from the actual pixel values. Version 3.37 - 3 June 2014 - added configure options to support reading bzip2 compressed FITS files. This depends on having the bzlib library installed on the local machine. Patch submitted by Dustin Lang. - replaced the random Gaussian and Poissonian distribution functions with new code written by Craig Markwardt derived from public domain C++ functions written by John D Cook. - patched fitsio2.h to support CFITSIO on AArch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture (both big and little endian). Supplied by Marcin Juszkiewicz and Sergio Pascual Ramirez, with further update by Michel Normand. - fixed bug in fpackutil.c that caused fpack to exit prematurely if the FZALGOR directive keyword was present in the HDU header. Version 3.36 - 6 December 2013 - added 9 Dec: small change to the fileseek function in drvrfile.c to support large files > 2 GB when building CFITSIO with MinGW on Windows - reorganized the CFITSIO code directory structure; added a 'docs' subdirectory for all the documentation, and a 'zlib' directory for the zlib/gzip file compression code. - made major changes to the compression code for FITS binary table to support all types of columns, including variable-length arrays. This code is mainly used via the fpack and funpack programs. - increased the number of FITS files that can be opened as one time to 1000, as defined by NMAXFILES in fitsio2.h. - made small configuration changes to configure.in, configure, fitsio.h, and drvrfile.c to support large files (64-bit file offsets} when using the mingw-w64 compiler (provided by Benjamin Gilbert). - made small change to fits_delete_file to more completely ignore any non-zero input status value. - fixed a logic error in a 'if' test when parsing a keyword name in the ngp_keyword_is_write function in grparser.c (provided by David Binderman). - when specifying the image compression parameters as part of the compressed image file name (using the "[compress]" qualifier after the name of the file), the quantization level value, if specified, was not being recognized by the CFITSIO compression routines. The image would always be compressed with the default quantization level of 4.0, regardless of what was specified. This affected the imcopy program, and potentially other user-generated application programs that used this method to specify the compression parameters. This bug did not affect fpack or funpack. This was fixed in the imcomp_get_compressed_image_par routine in the imcompress.c file. (reported by Sean Peters) - defined a new CFITS_API macro in fitsio.h which is used to export the public symbols when building CFITSIO on Windows systems with CMake. This works in conjunction with the new Windows CMake build procedure that is described in the README.win32 file. This complete revamping of the way CFITSIO is built under Windows now supports building 64-bit versions of the library. Thanks to Daniel Kaneider (Luminance HDR Team) for providing these new CMake build procedures. - modified the way that the low-level file_create routine works when running in the Hera environment to ensure that the FITS file that is created is within the allow user data disk area. - modified fits_get_compression_type so that it does not return an error if the HDU is a normal FITS IMAGE extension, and is not a tile-compressed image. - modified the low-level ffgcl* and ffpcl* routines to ensure that they never try ro read or write more than 2**31 bytes from disk at one time, as might happen with very large images, to avoid integer overflow errors. Fix kindly provided by Fred Gutsche at NanoFocus AG (www.nanofocus.de). - modified Makefile.in so that doing 'make distclean' does not delete new config.sub and config.guess files that were recently added. - adopted a patch from Debian in zcompress.c to "define" the values of GZBUFSIZE and BUFFINCR, instead of exporting the symbols as 'int's. Version 3.35 - 26 June 2013 (1st beta release was on 24 May) - fixed problem with the default tile size when compressing images with fpack using the Hcompress algorithm. - fixed returned value ("status" instead of "*status") - in imcompress.c, declared some arrays that are used to store the dimensions of the image from 'int' to 'long', to support very large images (at least on systems where sizeof(long) = 8), - modified the routines that convert a string value to a float or double to prevent them from returning a NaN or Inf value if the string is "NaN" or "Inf" (as can happen with gcc implementation of the strtod function). - removed/replaced the use of the assert() functions when locking or unlocking threads because they did not work correctly if NDEBUG is defined. - made modifications to the way the command-line file filters are parsed to 1) remove the 1024-character limit when specifying a column filter, 2) fixed a potential character buffer-overflow risk in fits_get_token, and 3) improved the parsing logic to remove any possible of confusing 2 slash characters ("//") in the string as the beginning of a comment string. - modified configure and Makefile.in so that when building CFITSIO as a shared library on linux or Mac platforms, it will use the SONAME convention to indicate whether each new release of the CFITSIO library is binary-compatible with the previous version. Application programs that link with the shared library will not need to be recompiled as long as the versions are compatible. In practice, this means that the shared library binary file that is created (on Linux systems) will have a name like 'libcfitsio.so.I.J.K', where I is the SONAME version number, J is the major CFITSIO version number (e.g. 3), and K is the minor CFITSIO version number (e.g., 34). Two link files will also be created such that libcfitsio.so -> libcfitsio.so.I, and libcfitsio.so.I -> libcfitsio.I.J.K Application programs will still run correctly with the new version of CFITSIO as long as the 'I' version number remains the same, but the applications will fail to run if the 'I' number changes, thus alerting the user that the application must be rebuilt. - fixed bug in fits_insert_col when computing the new table row width when inserting a '1Q' variable length array column. - modified the image compression routines so that the output compressed image (stored in a FITS binary table) uses the '1Q' variable length array format (instead of '1P') when the input file is larger than 4 GB. - added support for "compression directive" keywords which indicate how that HDU should be compressed (e.g., which compression algorithm to use, what tiling pattern to use, etc.). The values of these keywords will override the compression parameters that were specified on the command line when running the fpack FITS file compression program. - globally changed the variable and/or subroutine name "dither_offset" to "dither_seed" and "quantize_dither" to "quantize_method" so that the names more accurately reflects their purpose. - added support for a new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 method when compressing floating point images. The only difference with the previous method is that pixels with a value exactly equal to 0.0 will not be dithered, and instead will be exactly preserved when the image is compressed. - added support for an alias of "RICE_ONE" for "RICE_1" as the value of the ZCMPTYPE keyword, which gives the name of the image compression algorithm. This alias is used if the new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 option is used, to prevent old versions of funpack from creating a corrupted uncompressed image file. Only newer versions of funpack will recognize this alias and be able to uncompress the image. - made performance improvement to fits_read_compressed_img so that when reading a section of an compressed image that includes only every nth pixel in some dimension, it will only uncompressed a tile if there are actually any pixels of interest in that tile. - fixed several issues with the beta FITS binary table compression code that is used by fpack: added support for zero-length vector columns, made improvements to the output report when using the -T option in fpack, changed the default table compression method to 'Rice' instead of 'Best', and now writes the 'ZTILELEN' keyword to document the number of table rows in each tile. - fixed error in ffbinit in calculating the total length of the binary table extension if the THEAP keyword was used to override the default starting location of the heap. Version 3.34 - 20 March 2013 - modified configure and configure.in to support cross-compiled cfitsio as a static library for Windows on a Linux platform using MXE (http://mxe.cc) - a build environment for mingw32. (contributed by Niels Kristian Bech Jensen) - added conditional compilation statementsfor the mingw32 environment in drvrfile.c because mingw32 does not include the ftello and fseeko functions. (contributed by Niels Kristian Bech Jensen) - fixed a potential bug in ffcpcl (routine to copy a column from one table to another table) when dealing with the rare case of a '0X' column (zero length bit column). - fixed an issue in the routines that update or modify string-valued keyword values, as a result of the change to ffc2s in the previous release. These routines would exit with a 204 error status if the current value of the keyword to be updated or modified is null. - fixed typo in the previous modification that was intended to ignore numerical overflows in Hcompress when decompressing an image. - moved the 'startcol' static variable out of the ffgcnn routine and instead added it as a member of the 'FITSfile' structure that is defined in fitsio.h. This removes a possible race condition in ffgcnn in multi-threaded environments. Version 3.33 - 14 Feb 2013 - modified the imcomp_decompress_tile routine to ignore any numerical overflows that might occur when using Hcompress to decompress the image. If Hcompress is used in its 'lossy' mode, the uncompressed image pixel values may slightly exceed the range of an integer*2 variable. This is generally of no consequence, so we can safely ignore any overflows in this case and just clip the values to the legal range. - the default tiling pattern when writing a tile-compressed image has been changed. The old behavior was to compress the whole image as one single large tile. This is often not optimal when dealing with large images, so the new default behavior is to treat each row of the image as one tile. This is the same default behavior as in the standalone fpack program. The default tile size can be overridden by calling fits_set_tile_dim. - fixed bug that resulted in a corrupted output FITS image when attempting to write a float or double array of values to a tile-compressed integer data type image. CFITSIO does not support implicit data type conversion in this case and now correctly returns an appropriate error status. - modified ricecomp.c to define the nonzero_count lookup table as an external variable, rather then dynamically allocating it within the 3 routines that use it. This simplifies the code and eliminates the need for special thread locking and unlocking statements. (Thanks to Lars Kr. Lundin for this suggestion). - modified how the uncompressed size of a gzipped file is computed in the mem_compress_open routine in drvrmem.c. Since gzip only uses 4 bytes in the compressed file header to store the original file size, one may need to apply a modulo 2^32 byte correction in some cases. The logic here was modified to allow for corner cases (e.g., very small files, and when running on 32-bit platforms that do not support files larger than 2^31 bytes in size). - added new public routine to construct a 80 keyword record from the 3 input component strings, i.e, the keyword name string, the value string, and the comment string: fits_make_key/ffmkky. (This was already an undocumented internal routine in previous versions of CFITSIO). - modified ffc2s so that if the input keyword value string is a null string, then it will return a VALUE_UNDEFINED (204) status value. This makes it consistent with the behavior when attempting to read a null keyword (which has no value) as a logical or as a number (which also returns the 204 error). This should only affect cases where the header keyword does not have an equal sign followed by a space character in columns 9 and 10 of the header record. - Changed the "char *" parameter declarations to "const char *" in many of the routines (mainly the routines that modify or update keywords) to avoid compiler warnings or errors from C++ programs that tend to be more rigorous about using "const char *" when appropriate. - added support for caching uncompressed image tiles, so that the tile does not need to be uncompressed again if the application program wants to read more data from the same tile. This required changes to the main FITS file structure that is defined in fitsio.h, as well as changes to imcompress.c. - enhanced the previous modification to drvrfile.c to handle additional user cases when running in the HEASARC's Hera environment. Version 3.32 - Oct 2012 - fixed flaw in the way logical columns (TFORM = 'L') in binary tables were read which caused an illegal value of 1 in the column to be interpreted as a 'T' (TRUE) value. - extended the column filtering syntax in the CFITSIO file name parser to enable users and scripts to append new COMMENT or HISTORY keyword into the header of the filtered file (provided by Craig Markwardt). For example, fcopy "infile.fits[col #HISTORY='Processed on 2012-10-05']" outfile.fits will append this header keyword: "HISTORY Processed on 2012-10-05" - small change to the code that opens and reads an ASCII region file to return an error if the file is empty. - fixed obscure sign propagation error when attempting to read the uncompressed size of a gzipped FITS file. This resulted in a memory allocation error if the gzipped file had an uncompressed file size between 2^31 and 2^32 bytes. Fix supplied by Gudlaugur Johannesson (Stanford). Version 3.31 - 18 July 2012 - enhanced the CFITSIO column filtering syntax to allow the comma, in addition to the semi-colon, to be used to separate clauses, for example: [col X,Y;Z = max(X,Y)]. This was done because users are not allowed to enter the semi-colon character in the on-line Hera data processing system due to computer security concerns. - enhanced the CFITSIO extended filename syntax to allow specifying image compression parameters (e.g. '[compress Rice]') when opening an existing FITS file with write access. The specified compression parameters will be used by default if more images are appended to the existing file. - modified drvrfile.c to do additional file security checks when CFITSIO is running within the HEASARC's Hera software system. In this case CFITSIO will not allow FITS files to be created outside of the user's individual Hera data directory area. - fixed an issue in fpack and funpack on Windows machines, caused by the fact that the 'rename' function behaves differently on Windows in that it does not clobber an existing file, as it does on Unix platforms. - fixed bug in the way byte-swapping was being performed when writing integer*8 null values to an image or binary table column. - added the missing macro definition for fffree to fitsio.h. - modified the low level table read and write functions in getcol*.c and putcol*.c to remove the 32-bit limitation on the number of elements. These routines now support reading and writing more than 2**31 elements at one time. Thanks to Keh-Cheng Chu (Stanford U.) for the patch. - modified Makefile.in so that the shared libcfitsio.so is linked against pthreads and libm. Version 3.30 - 11 April 2012 Enhancements - Added new routine called fits_is_reentrant which returns 1 or 0 depending on whether or not CFITSIO was compiled with the -D_REENTRANT directive. This can be used to determine if it is safe to use CFITSIO in multi-threaded programs. - Implemented much faster byte-swapping algorithms in swapproc.c based on code provided by Julian Taylor at ESO, Garching. These routines significantly improve the FITS image read and write speed (by more than a factor of 2 in some cases) on little-endian machines (e.g., Linux and Microsoft Windows and Macs running on x86 CPUs) where byte-swapping is required when reading and writing data in FITS files. This has no effect on big-endian machines (e.g. Motorola CPUs and some IBM systems). Even faster byte-swapping performance can be achieved in some cases by invoking the new "--enable-sse2" or "--enable-ssse3" configure options when building CFITSIO on machines that have CPUs and compilers that support the SSE2 and SSSE3 machine instructions. - added additional support for implicit data type conversion in cases where the floating point image has been losslessly compressed with gzip. The pixels in these compressed images can now be read back as arrays of short, int, and long integers as well as single and double precision floating-point. - modified fitsio2.h and f77_wrap.h to recognize IBM System z mainframes by testing if __s390x__ or __s390__ is defined. - small change to ffgcrd in getkey.c so that it supports reading a blank keyword (e.g., a keyword whose name simply contains 8 space characters). Bug Fixes - fixed a bug in imcomp_decompress_tile that caused the tile-compressed image to be uncompressed incorrectly (even though the tile-compressed image itself was written correctly) under the following specific conditions: - the original FITS image has a "float" datatype (R*4) - one or more of the image tiles cannot be compressed using the standard quantization method and instead are losslessly compressed with gzip - the pixels in these tiles are not all equal to zero (this bug does affect tiles where all the pixels are equal to zero) - the program that is reading the compressed image uses CFITSIO's "implicit datatype conversion" feature to read the "float" image back into an array of "double" pixel values. If all these conditions are met, then the returned pixel values in the affected image tiles will be garbage, with values often ranging up to 10**34. Note that this bug does not affect the fpack/funpack programs, because funpack does not use CFITSIO's implicit datatype conversion feature when uncompressing the image. Version 3.29 - 2 December 2011 Enhancements - modified Makefile.in to allow configure to override the lib and include destination directories. - added (or restored actually) support for tile compression of 1-byte integer images in imcomp_compress_tile. Support for that data type was overlooked during recent updates to this routine. - modified the fits_get_token command-line parsing routine to perform more rigorous checks to determine if the token can be interpreted as a number or not. - made small modification to fpack.c to not allow the -i2f option (convert image from integer to floating point) with the "-g -q 0" option (do lossless gzip compression). It is more efficient to simply use the -g option alone. - made modifications to fitsio.h and drvrfile.c to support reading and writing large FITS files (> 2.1 GB) when building CFITSIO using Microsoft Visual C++ on Windows platforms. - added new WCS routine (ffgicsa) which returns the WCS keyword values for a particular WCS version ('A' - 'Z'). Bug Fixes - fixed a problem with multi-threaded apps that open/close FITS files simultaneously by putting mutex locks around the call to fits_already_open and in fits_clear_Fptr. - fixed a bug when using the 'regfilter' function to select a subset of the rows in a FITS table that have coordinates that lie within a specified spatial region on the sky. This bug only affects the rarely used panda (and epanda and bpanda) region shapes in which the region is defined by the intersection of an annulus and a pie-shaped wedge. The previous code (starting with version 3.181 of CFITSIO where support for the panda region was first introduced) only worked correctly if the 2 angles that define the wedge have values between -180 and +180. If not, then fewer rows than expected may have been selected from the table. - fixed the extended filename parser so that when creating a histogram by binning 2 table columns, if a keyword or column name is given as the weighting factor, then the output histrogram image will have a floating point datatype, not the default integer datatype as is the case when no weight is specified (e.g. with a filename like "myfile.fits[bin x,y; weight_column]" - added fix to the code in imcompress.c to work around a problem with dereferencing the value of a pointer, in cases where the address of that pointer has not been defined (e.g., the nulval variable). - modified the byte shuffling algorithm in fits_shuffle_8bytes to work around a strange bug in the proprietary SunStudioExpress C compiler under OpenSolaris. - removed spurious messages on the CFITSIO error stack when opening a FITS file with FTP (in drvrnet.c); Version 3.28 - 12 May 2011 - added an enhancement to the tiled-image compression method when compressing floating-point image using the standard (lossy) quantization method. In cases where an image tile cannot be quantized, The floating-point pixel values will be losslessly compressed with gzip before writing them to the tile- compressed file. Previously, the uncompressed pixel values would have been written to the file, which obviously requires more disk space. - made significant internal changes to the structure of the tile compression and uncompression routines in imcompress.c to make them more modular and easier to maintain. - modified configure.in and configure to force it to build a Universal binary on Mac OS X. - modified the ffiter function in putcol.c to properly clean up allocated memory if an error occurs. - in quantize.c, when searching for the min and max values in a float array, initialize the max value to -FLT_MAX instead of FLT_MIN (and similarly for double array). Version 3.27 - 3 March 2011 Enhancements - added new routines fits_read_str and fits_delete_str which read or delete, respectively, a header keyword record that contains a specified character string. - added a new routine called fits_free_memory which frees the memory that fits_read_key_longstr allocated for the long string keyword value. - enhanced the ffmkky routine in fitscore.c to not put a space before the equals sign when writing long string-valued keywords using the ESO HIERARCH keyword convention, if that extra character is needed to fit the length of the keyword name + value string within the 80-character FITS keyword record. - made small change to fits_translate_keyword to support translation of blank keywords (where the name = 8 blank characters) - modified fpack so that it uses the minimum of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th order MAD noise values when quantizing and compressing a floating point image. This is more conservative than just using the 3rd order MAD value alone. - added new routine imcomp_copy_prime2img to imcompress.c that is used by funpack to copy any keywords that may have been added to the primary array of the compressed image file (a null image) back into the header of the uncompressed image. - enhanced the fits_quantize_float and fits_quantize_double routines in quantize.c to also compress the tile if it is completely filled with null values. Previously, this type of tile would have been written to the output compressed image without any compression. - enhanced imcomp_decompress_tile to support implicit datatype conversion when reading a losslessly compressed (with gzip) real*4 image into an array of real*8 values. - in imcompress.c, removed possible attempt to free memory that had not been allocated. Version 3.26 - 30 December 2010 Enhancements - defined 2 new macros in fitsio.h: #define CFITSIO_MAJOR 3 #define CFITSIO_MINOR 26 These may be used within other macros to detect the CFITSIO version number at compile time. - modified group.c to initialize the output URL to a null string in fits_url2relurl. Also added more robust tests to see if 2 file pointers point to the same file. - enhanced the template keyword parsing code in grparser.c to support the 'D' exponent character in the ASCII representation of floating point keyword values (as in TVAL = 1.23D03). Previously, the parser would have written this keyword with a string value (TVAL = '1.23D03'). - modified the low-level routines that write a keyword record to a FITS header so that they silently replace any illegal characters (ASCII values less than 32 or greater than 126) with an ASCII space character. Previously, these routines would have returned with an error when encountering these illegal characters in the keyword record (most commonly tab, carriage return, and line feed characters). - made substantial internal changes to imcompress.c in preparation for possible future support for compression methods for FITS tables analogous to the tiled image compression method. - replaced all the source code in CFITSIO that was distributed under the GNU General Public License with freely available code. In particular, the gzip file compression and uncompression code was replaced by the zlib compression library. Thus, beginning with this version 3.26 of CFITSIO, other software applications may freely use CFITSIO without necessarily incurring any GNU licensing requirement. See the License.txt file for the CFITSIO licensing requirements. - added support for using cfitsio in different 'locales' which use a comma, not a period, as the decimal point character in ASCII representation of a floating point number (e.g., France). This affects how floating point keyword values and floating point numbers in ASCII tables are read and written with the 'printf' and 'strtod' functions. - added a new utility routine called fits_copy_rows/ffcprw that copies a specified range of rows from one table to another. - enhanced the test for illegal ASCII characters in a header (fftrec) to print out the name of the offending character (e.g TAB or Line Feed) as well as the Hex value of the character. - modified ffgtbc (in fitscore.c) to support nonstandard vector variable length array columns in binary tables (e.g. with TFORMn = 2000PE(500)'). - modified the configure file to add "-lm" when linking CFITSIO on Solaris machines. - added new routine, fits_get_inttype, to parse an integer keyword value string and return the minimum integer datatype (TBYTE, TSHORT, TLONG, TLONGLONG) required to store the integer value. - added new routine, fits_convert_hdr2str, which is similar to fits_hdr2str except that if the input HDU is a tile compressed image (stored in a binary table) then it will first convert that header back to that of a normal uncompressed FITS image before concatenating the header keyword records. - modified the file template reading routine (ngp_line_from_file in grparser.c) so that it ignores any carriage return characters (\r) in the line, that might be present, e.g. if the file was created on a Windows machine that uses \r\n as end of line characters. - modified the ffoptplt routine in cfileio.c to check if the PCOUNT keyword in the template file has a non-zero value, and if so, resets it to zero in the newly created file. Bug Fixes - fixed a bug when uncompressing floating-point images that contain Nan values on some 64-bit platforms. - fixed a bug when updating the value of the CRPIXn world coordinate system keywords when extracting a subimage from larger FITS image, using the extended CFITSIO syntax (e.g. myimage[1:500:2, 1:500:2]). This bug only affects cases where the pixel increment value is not equal to 1, and caused the coordinate grid to be shifted by between 0.25 pixels (in the case of a pixel increment of 2) and 0.5 pixels (for large pixel increment values). - fixed a potential string buffer overflow error in the ffmkls routine that modifies the value and comment strings in a keyword that uses the HEASARC long string keyword convention. - fixed a bug in imcompress.c that could cause programs to abort on 64-bit machines when using gzip to tile-compress images. Changed the declaration of clen in imcomp_compress_tile from int to size_t. Version 3.25 - 9 June 2010 - fixed bug that was introduced in version 3.13 that broke the ability to reverse an image section along the y-axis with an image section specifier like this: myimage.fits[*,-*]. This bug caused the output image to be filled with zeros. - fixed typo in the definition of the ftgprh Fortran wrapper routine in f77_wrap3.c. - modified the cfitsio.pc.in configuration file to make the lib path a variable instead of hard coding the path. The provides more flexibility for projects such as suse and fedora when building CFITSIO. - fixed bug in imcomp_compress_tile in imcompress.c which caused null pixel values to be written incorrectly in the rare case where the floating-point tile of pixels could not be quantized into integers. - modified imcompress.c to add a new specialized routine to uncompress an input image and then write it to a output image on a tile by tile basis. This appears to be faster than the old method of uncompressing the whole image into memory before writing it out. It also supports large images with more than 2**31 pixels. - made trivial changes to 2 statements in drvrfile.c to suppress nuisance compiler warnings. - some compilers define CLOCKS_PER_SEC as a double instead of an integer, so added an explict integer type conversion to 2 statements in imcompress.c that used this macro. - removed debugging printf statements in drvrnet.c (15 July) Version 3.24 - 26 January 2010 - modified fits_translate_keywords so that it silently ignores any illegal ASCII characters in the value or comment fields of the input FITS file. Otherwise, fpack would abort without compressing input files that contained this minor violation of the FITS rules. - added support for Super H cpu in fitsio2.h - updated funpack to correctly handle the -S option, and to use a more robust algorithm for creating temporary output files. - modified the imcomp_compress_tile routine to support the NOCOMPRESS debugging option for real*4 images. Version 3.23 - 7 January 2010 - reduced the default value for the floating point image quantization parameter (q) from 16 to 4. This parameter is used when tile compressing floating point images. This change will increase the average compression ratio for floating point images from about 4.6 to about 6.5 without losing any significant information in the image. - enhanced the template keyword parsing routine to reject a header template string that only contains a sequence of dashes. - enhanced the ASCII region file reading routine to allow tabs as well as spaces between fields in the file. - got rid of bogus error message when calling fits_update_key_longstr - Made the error message more explicit when CFITSIO tries to write to a GZIP compressed file. Instead of just stating "cannot write to a READONLY file", it will say "cannot write to a GZIP compressed file". Version 3.22 - 28 October 2009 - added an option (in imcompress.c) to losslessly compress floating point images, rather than using the default integer scaling method. This option is almost never useful in practice for astronomical images (because the amount of compression is so poor), but it has been added for test comparison purposes. - enhanced the dithering option when quantizing and compressing floating point images so that a random dithering starting point is used, so that the same dithering pattern does not get used for every image. - modified the architecture setup section of fitsio2.h to support the 64-core 8x8-architecture Tile64 platform (thanks to Ken Mighell, NOAO) Fixes - fixed a problem that was introduced in version 3.13 of CFITSIO in cases where a program writes it own END keyword to the header instead of letting CFITSIO do it, as is strongly recommended. In one case this caused CFITSIO to rewrite the END keyword and any blank fill keywords in the header many times, causing a noticeable slow-down in the FITS file writing speed. Version 3.21 - 24 September 2009 - fixed bug in cfileio.c that caused CFITSIO to crash with a bus error on Mac OS X if CFITSIO was compiled with multi-threaded support (with the --enable-reentrant configure option). The Mac requires an additional thread initialization step that is not required on Linux machines. Even with this fix, occasional bus errors have been seen on some Mac platforms, The bus errors are seen when running the thread_test.c program. The bus errors are very intermittent, and occur less than about 1% of the time, on the affected platforms. These bus errors have not been seen on Linux platforms. - fixed invalid C comment delimiter ("//*" should have been "/*") in imcompress.c. - Increased the CFITSIO version number string length in fpackutil.c, to fix problem on some platforms when running fpack -V or funpack -V. Also modified the output format of the fpack -L command. Version 3.20 - 31 August 2009 - modified configure.in and configure so that it will build the Fortran interface routines by default, even if no Fortran compiler is found in the user's path. Building the interface routines may be disabled by specifying FC="none". This was done at the request of users who obtained CFITSIO from some other standard linux distributions, where CFITSIO was apparently built in an environment that had no Fortran compiler and hence did not build the Fortran wrappers. - modified ffchdu (close HDU) so that it calls the routine to update the maximum length of variable length table columns in the TFORM values in all cases where the values may have changed. Previously it would not update the values if a value was already specified in the TFORM value. - added 2 new string manipulation functions to the CFITSIO parser (contributed by Craig Markwardt): strmid extracts a substring from a string, and strstr searches for a substring within a string. - removed the code in quantize.c that treated "floating-point integer" images as a special case (it would just do a datatype conversion from float to int, and not otherwise quantize the pixel values). This caused complications with the new subtractive dithering feature. - enhanced the code for converting floating point images to quantized scaled integer prior to tile-compressing them, to apply a random subtractive dithering, which improves the photometric accuracy of the compressed images. - added new internal routine, iraf_delete_file, for use by fpack to delete a pair of IRAF format header and pixel files. - small change in cfileio.c in the way it recognizes an IRAF format .imh file. Instead of just requiring that the filename contain the ".imh" string, that string must occur at the end of the file name. - fixed bug in the code that is used when tile-compressing real*4 FITS images, which quantizes the floating point pixel values into integer levels. The bug would only appear in the fairly rare circumstance of tile compressing a floating point image that contains null pixels (NaNs) and only when using the lossy Hcompress algorithm (with the s parameter not equal to 1). This could cause underflow of low valued pixels, causing them to appear as very large pixel values (e.g., > 10**30) in the compressed image - changed the "if defined" blocks in fitsio.h, fitsio2.h and f77_wrap.h to correctly set the length of long variables on sparc64 machines. Patch contributed by Matthew Truch (U. Penn). - modified the HTTP file access code in drvrnet.c to support basic HTTP authentication, where the user supplies a user name and password. The CFITSIO filename format in this case is: "http://username:password@hostname/..." Thanks to Jochen Liske (ESO) for the suggestion and the code. Version 3.181 (BETA) - 12 May 2009 - modified region.c and region.h to add support for additional types of region shapes that are supported by ds9: panda, epanda, and bpanda. - fixed compiler error when using the new _REENTRANT flag, having to do with the an attempted static definition of Fitsio_Lock in several source files, after declaring it to be non-static in fitsio2.h. Version 3.18 (BETA) - 10 April 2009 - Made extensive changes to make CFITSIO thread safe. Previously, all opened FITS files shared a common pool of memory to store the most recently read or written FITS records in the files. In a multi-threaded environment different threads could simultaneously read or write to this common area causing unpredictable results. This was changed so that every opened FITS file has its own private memory area for buffering the file. Most of the changes were in buffers.c, fitsio.h, and fitsio2.h. Additional changes were made to cfileio.c, mainly to put locks around small sections of code when setting up the low-level drivers to read or write the FITS file. Also, locks were needed around the GZIP compression and uncompression code in compress.c., the error message stack access routine in fitscore.c, the encode and decode routines in fits_hcompress.c and fits_hdecompress.c, in ricecomp.c, and the table row selection and table calculator functions. Also, removed the 'static' declaration of the local variables in pliocomp.c which did not appeared to be required and prevented the routines from being thread safe. As a consequence of having a separate memory buffer for every FITS file (by default, about 115 kB per file), CFITSIO may now allocate more memory than previously when an application program opens multiple FITS files at once. The read and write speed may also be slightly faster, since the buffers are not shared between files. - Added new families of Fortran wrapper routines to read and write values to large tables that have more than 2**31 rows. The arguments that define the first row and first element to read or write must be I*8 integers, not ordinary I*4 integers. The names of these new routines have 'LL' appended to them, so for example, ftgcvb becomes ftgcvbll. Fixes - Corrected an obscure bug in imcompress.c that would have incorrectly written the null values only in the rare case of writing a signed byte array that is then tile compressed using the Hcompress or PLIO algorithm. Version 3.14 - 18 March 2009 Enhancements - modified the tiled-image compression and uncompression code to support compressing unsigned 16-bit integer images with PLIO. FITS unsigned integer arrays are offset by -32768, but the PLIO algorithm does not work with negative integer values. In this case, an offset of 32768 is added to the array before compression, and then subtracted again when reading the compressed array. IMPORTANT NOTE: This change is not backward compatible, so these PLIO compressed unsigned 16-bit integer images will not be read correctly by previous versions of CFITSIO; the pixel values will have an offset of +32768. - minor changes to the fpack utility to print out more complete version information with the -V option, and format the report produced by the -T option more compactly. Fixes - Modified imcomp_compress_image (which is called by fpack) so that it will preserve any null values (NaNs) if the input image has a floating point datatype (BITPIX = -32 or -64). Null values in integer datatype images are handled correctly. - Modified imcomp_copy_comp2img so that it does not copy the ZBLANK keyword, if present, from the compressed image header when uncompressing the image. - Fixed typo in the Fortran wrapper macro for the ftexist function. Version 3.13 - 5 January 2009 Enhancements - updated the typedef of LONGLONG in fitsio.h and cfortran.h to support the Borland compiler which uses the __int64 data type. - added new feature to the extended filename syntax so that when performing a filtering operation on specified HDU, if you add a '#' character after the name or number of the HDU, then ONLY that HDU (and the primary array if the HDU is a table) will be copied into the filtered version of the file in memory. Otherwise, by default CFITSIO copies all the HDUs from the input file into memory. - when specifying a section, if the specified number of dimensions is less than the number of dimensions in the image, then CFITSIO will use the entire dimension, as if a '*' had been specified. Thus [1:100] is equivalent to [1:100,*] when specifying a section of 2 dimensional image. - modified fits_copy_image_section to read/write the section 1 row at a time, instead of the whole section, to reduce memory usage. - added new stream:// drivers for reading/writing to stdin/stdout. This driver is somewhat fragile, but for simple FITS read and write operations this driver streams the FITS file on stdin or stdout without first copying the entire file in memory, as is done when specifying the file name as "-". - slight modification to ffcopy to make sure that the END keyword is correctly written before copying the data. This is required by the new stream driver. - modified ffgcprll, so that when writing data to an HDU, it first checks that the END keyword has been written to the correct place. This is required by the new stream driver. Fixes - fixed bug in ffgcls2 when reading an ASCII string column in binary tables in cases where the width of the column is greater than 2880 characters and when reading more than 1 row at a time. Similar change was made to ffpcls to fix same problem with writing to columns wider than 2880 characters. - updated the source files listed in makepc.bat so that it can be used to build CFITSIO with the Borland C++ compiler. - fixed overflow error in ffiblk that could cause writing to Large Files (> 2.1 GB) to fail with an error status. - fixed a bug in the spatial region code (region.c) with the annulus region. This bug only affected specialized applications which directly use the internal region structure; it does not affect any CFITSIO functions directly. - fixed memory corruption bug in region.c that was triggered if the region file contained a large number of excluded regions. - got rid of a harmless error message that would appear if filtering a FITS table with a GTI file that has zero rows. (eval_f.c) - modified fits_read_rgnfile so that it removes the error messages from the error stack if it is unable to open the region file as a FITS file. (region.c) Version 3.12 - 8 October 2008 - modified the histogramming code so that the first pixel in the binned array is chosen as the reference pixel by default, if no other value is previously defined. - modified ffitab and ffibin to allow a null pointer to the EXTNAME string, when inserting a table with no name. Version 3.11 - 19 September 2008 - optimized the code when tile compressing real*4 images (which get scaled to integers). This produced a modest speed increase. For best performance, one must specify the absolute q quantization parameter, rather than relative to the noise in the tile (which is expensive to compute). - modified the FITS region file reading code to check for NaN values, which signify the end of the array of points in a polygon region. - removed the test for LONGSIZE == 64 from fitsio.h, since it may not be defined. - modified imcompress.c to support unconventional floating point FITS images that also have BSCALE and BZERO keywords. The compressed floating point images are linearly scaled twice in this case. Version 3.10 - 20 August 2008 - fixed a number of cases, mainly dealing with long input file names (> 1024 char), where unsafe usage of strcat and strcpy could have caused buffer overflows. These buffer overflows could cause the application to crash, and at least theoretically, could be exploited by a malicious user to execute arbitrary code. There are no known instances of this type of malicious attack on CFITSIO applications, and the likelihood of such an attack seems remote. None the less, it would be prudent for CFITSIO users to upgrade to this new version to guard against this possibility. - modified some of the routines to define input character string parameters as "const char *" rather than just "char *" to eliminate some compiler warnings when the calling routine passes a constant string to the CFITSIO routine. Most of the changes were to the keyword name argument in the many routines that read or write keywords. - fixed bug when tile-compressing a FITS image which caused all the completely blank keywords in the input header to be deleted from the output compressed image. Also added a feature to preserve any empty FITS blocks in the header (reserved space for future keywords) when compressing or uncompressing an image. - fixed small bug in the way the default tile size is set in imcompress.c. (Fix sent in by Paul Price). - added support for reading FITS format region files (in addition to the ASCII format that was previously supported). Thanks to Keith Arnaud for modifying region.c to do this. Version 3.09 - 12 June 2008 - fixed bug in the calculator function, parse_data, that evaluates expressions then selecting rows or modifying values in table columns. This bug only appeared in unusual circumstances where the calculated value has a null value (= TNULLn). The bug could cause elements to not be flagged as having a null value, or in rare cases could cause valid elements to be flagged as null. This only appears to have affected 64-bit platforms (where size(long) = 8). - fixed typo in imcomp_decompress_tile: call to fffi2r8 should have been to fffi4r8. - in the imcopy_copy_comp2img routine, moved the call to fits_translate_keywords outside of the 'if' statement. This could affect reading compressed images that did not have a EXTNAME keyword in the header. - fixed imcomp_compress_tile in imcompress.c to properly support writing unsigned integers, in place, to tile compressed images. - modified fits_read_compressed_img so that if the calling routine specifies nullval = 0, then it will not check for null-valued pixels in the compressed FITS image. This mimics the same behavior when reading normal uncompressed FITS images. Version 3.08 - 15 April 2008 - fixed backwards compatibility issue when uncompressing a Rice compressed image that was created with previous versions of CFITSIO (this late fix was added on May 18). - small change to cfortran.h to add "extern" to the common block definition. This was done for compatibility with the version of cfortran.h that is distributed by the debian project. - relaxed the requirement that a string valued keyword must have a closing quote character. If the quote is missing, CFITSIO will silently append a quote at the end of the keyword record. This change was made because otherwise it is very difficult to correct the keyword because CFITSIO would exit with an error before making the fix. - added a new BYTEPIX compression parameter when tile-compressing images with the Rice algorithm. - cached the NAXIS and NAXISn keyword values in the fitsio structure for efficiency, to eliminate duplicates reads of these keywords. - added variants of the Rice compression and uncompression routines to support short int images (in addition to the routines that support int). - moved the definition of LONGLONG_MIN and LONGLONG_MAX from fitsio2.h to fitsio.h, to make it accessible to application programs. - make efficiency improvements to fitscore.c, to avoid needless searches through the entire header when reading the required keywords that must be near the beginning of the header. - made several improvements to getcol.c to optimize reading of compressed and uncompressed images. - changed the compression level in the gzip code from 6 to 1. In most cases this will provide nearly the same amount of compression, but is significantly faster in some cases. - added new "helper routines' to imcompress.c to allow applications to specified the "quantize level" and Hcompress scaling and smoothing parameters - modified the extended filename syntax to support the "quantize level" and Hcompress scaling and smoothing parameters. The parser in cfileio.c was extensively modified. - extensive changes to quantize.c: - replace the "nbits" parameter with "quantize level" - the quantize level is now relative to the RMS noise in the image - the HCOMPRESS scale factor is now relative to the RMS noise - added routines to calculate RMS noise in image (these changes require a change to the main file structure in fitsio.h) - initialize errno = 0 before the call to strtol in ffext, in case errno has previously been set by an unrelated error condition. - added the corresponding long name for the ffgkyjj routine to longnam.h. - changed imcomp_copy_comp2img (in imcompress.c) to not require the presence of the EXTNAME keyword in the input compressed image header. - modified imcompress.c to only write the UNCOMPRESSED_DATA column in tile-compressed images if it is actually needed. This eliminates the need to subsequently delete the column if it is not used (which is almost always the case). - found that it is necessary to seek to the EOF of a file after truncating the size of the file, to reestablish a definite current location in the file. The required small changes to 3 routines: file_truncate (to seek to EOF) and fftrun (to set io_pos) and the truncation routine in drvrmem.c. - improved the efficiency when compressing integer images with gzip. Previously, the image was always represented using integer*4 pixels, which were then compressed. Now, if the range of pixel values can be represented with integer*2 pixels or integer*1 pixels, then that is used. This change is backward compatible with any compressed images that used the previous method. - changed the default tiling pattern when using Hcompress from large squares (200 to 600 pixels wide) to 16 rows of the image. This generally requires less memory, compresses faster, and is more consistent with the default row by row tiling when using the other compression methods. - modified imcomp_init_table in imcompress.c to enforce a restriction when using the Hcompress algorithm that the 1st 2 dimensions of sll image tiles must be at least 4 pixels long. Hcompress becomes very inefficient for smaller dimensions, and does not work at all with 1D images. - fixed bug in the Hcompress compression algorithm that could affect compression of I*4 images, using non-square compression tiles (in the encode64 routine). Version 3.07 - 6 December 2007 (internal release) - fixed bug with the PLIO image compression routine which silently produced a corrupted compressed image if the uncompressed image pixels were not all in the range 0 to 2**24. (fixed in November) - fixed several 'for' loops in imcompress.c which were exceeding the bounds of an array by 1. (fixed in November) - fixed a possible, but unlikely, memory overflow issue in iraffits.c. - added a clarification to the cfortran.doc file that cfortran.h may be used and distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. - fixed bug in the fits_modify_vector_len routine when modifying the vector length of a 'X' bit column. Version 3.06 - 27 August 2007 - modified the imcopy.c utility program (to tile-compress images) so that it writes the default EXTNAME = 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE' keyword in the compressed images, to preserve the behavior of earlier versions of imcopy. - modified the angsep function in the FITS calculator (in eval.y) to use haversines, instead of the 'law of cosines', to provide more precision at small angles (< 0.1 arcsec). Version 3.05 - July 2007 (internal release only) - extensive changes to imcompress.c to fully support implicit data type conversion when reading and writing arrays of data to FITS images, where the data type of the array is not the same as the data type of the FITS image. This includes support for null pixels, and data scaling via the BSCALE and BZERO keywords. - rewrote the fits_read_tbl_coord routine in wcssub.c, that gets the standard set of WCS keywords appropriate to a pair of columns in a table, to better support the full set of officially approved WCS keywords. - made significant changes to histo.c, which creates an image by binning columns of a table, to better translate the WCS keywords in the table header into the WCS keywords that are appropriate for an image HDU. - modified imcompress.c so that when pixels are written to a tile-compressed image, the appropriate BSCALE and BZERO values of that image are applied. This fixes a bug in which writing to an unsigned integer datatype image (with BZERO = 32768) was not done correctly. Version 3.04 - 3 April 2007 - The various table calculator routines (fits_select_rows, etc.) implicitly assumed that the input table has not been modified immediately prior to the call. To cover cases where the table has been modified a call to ffrdef has been added to ffprs. IN UNUSUAL CASES THIS CHANGE COULD CAUSE CFITSIO TO BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY THAN IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS. For example, opening a FITS table with this column-editing virtual file expression: myfile.fits[3][col A==X; B = sqrt(X)] no longer works, because the X column does not exist when the sqrt expression is evaluated. The correct expression in this case is myfile.fits[3][col A==X; B = sqrt(A)] - modified putkey.c to support USHORT_IMG when calling fits_create_img to create a signed byte datatype image. - enhanced the column histogramming function to propagate any TCn_k and TPn_k keywords in the table header to the corresponding CDi_j and PCi_j keywords in the image header. - enhanced the random, randomn, and randomp functions in the lexical parser to take a vector column name argument to specify the length of the vector of random numbers that should be generated (provided by Craig Markwardt, GSFC) - enhanced the ffmcrd routine (to modify an existing header card) to support long string keywords so that any CONTINUE keywords associated with the previous keyword will be deleted. - modified the ffgtbp routine to recognize the TDIMn keyword for ASCII string columns in a binary table. The first dimension is taken to be the size of a unit string. (The TFORMn = 'rAw' syntax may also be used to specify the unit string size). - in fits_img_decompress, the fits_get_img_param function was called with an invalid dimension size, which caused a fatal error on at least 1 platform. - in ffopentest, set the status value before returning in case of error. - in the drvrnet.c file, the string terminators needed to be changed from "\n" to "\r\n" to support the strict interpretation of the http and ftp standard that is enforced by some newer web servers. Version 3.03 - 11 December 2006 New Routine - fits_write_hdu writes the current HDU to a FILE stream (e.g. stdout). Changes - modified the region parsing code to support region files where the keyword "physical" is on a separate line preceding the region shape token. (However, "physical" coordinates are not fully supported, and are treated identically to "image" coordinates). - enhanced the iterator routines to support calculations on 64-bit integer columns and images. Currently, the values are cast to double precision when doing the calculations, which can cause a loss of precision for integer values greater than about 2**52. - added support for accessing FITS files on the computational grid. Giuliano Taffoni and Andrea Barisani, at INAF, University of Trieste, Italy, implemented the necessary I/O driver routines in drvrgsiftp.c. - modified the tiled image compression/uncompression routines to preserve/restore the original CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords if they exist. (saved as ZHECKSUM and ZDATASUM in the compressed image) - split fits_select_image_section into 2 routines: a higher level routine that creates the output file and copies other HDUs from the input file to the output file, and a lower level routine that extracts the image section from the input image into an output image HDU. - Improved the error messages that get generated if one tries to use the lexical parser to perform calculations on variable-length array columns. - added "#define MACHINE NATIVE" in fitsio2.h for all machines where BYTESWAPPED == FALSE. This may improve the file writing performance by eliminating the need to allocate a temporary buffer in some cases. - modified the configure.in and configure script to fix problems with testing if network services are available, which affects the definition of the HAVE_NET_SERVICES flag. - added explicit type casting to all malloc statements, and deleted declarations of unreferenced variables in the image compression code to suppress compiler warnings. - fixed incorrect logic in fitsio2.h in the way it determined if numerical values are byteswapped or not on MIPS and ARM architectures. - added __BORLANDC__ to the list of environments in fitsio.h that don't use %lld in printf for longlong integers - added "#if defined(unix)" around "#include " statements in several C source files, to make them compatible with Windows. Version 3.02 - 18 Sept 2006 - applied the security patch to the gzip code, available at http://security.FreeBSD.org/patches/SA-06:21/gzip.patch The insufficient bounds checks in buffer use can cause gzip to crash, and may permit the execution of arbitrary code. The NULL pointer deference can cause gzip to crash. The infinite loop can cause a Denial-of-Service situation where gzip uses all available CPU time. - added HCOMPRESS as one of the compression algorithm options in the tiled image compression code. (code provided by Richard White (STScI)) Made other improvements to preserve the exact header structure in the compressed image file so that the compressed-and-then-uncompressed FITS image will be as identical as possible to the original FITS image file. New Routines - the following new routines were added to support reading and writing non-standard extension types: fits_write_exthdr - write required keywords for a conforming extension fits_write_ext - write data to the extension fits_read_ext - read data from the extension - added new routines to compute the RMS noise in the background pixels of an image: fits_rms_float and fits_rms_short (take an input array of floats or shorts, respectively). Fixes - added the missing 64-bit integer case to set of "if (datatype)" statements in the routine that returns information about a particular column (ffgbclll). - fixed a parsing error in ffexts in cases where an extension number is followed by a semi-colon and then the column and row number of an array in a binary table. Also removed an extraneous HISTORY keyword that was being written when specifying an input image in a table cel. - modified the routine that reads a table column returning a string value (ffgcls) so that if the displayed numerical value is too wide to fit in the specified length string, then it will return a string of "*" characters instead of the number string. - small change to fitsio.h to support a particular Fortran and C compiler combination on a SGI Altix system - added a test in the gunzip code to prevent seg. fault when trying to uncompress a corrupted file (at least in some cases). - fixed a rarely-occurring bug in the routine that copies a table cell into an image; had to call the ffflsh call a few lines earlier. Version 3.01 - (in FTOOLS 6.1 release) - modified fits_copy_image2cell to correctly copy all the appropriate header keywords when copying an image into a table cell - in eval.y, explicitly included the code for the lgamma function instead of assuming it is available in a system library (e.g., the lgamma function is currently not included in MS Visual++ libraries) - modified the logic in fits_pixel_filter so that the default data type of the output image will be promoted to at least BITPIX = -32 (a single precision floating point) if the expression that is being evaluated resolves to a floating point result. If the expression resolves to an integer result, the output image will have the same BITPIX as the input image. - in fits_copy_cell2image, added 5 more WCS keywords to the list of keywords related to other columns that should be deleted in the output image header. - disabled code in cfileio.c that would write HISTORY keywords to the output file in fits_copy_image2cell and cell2image, because some tasks would not want these extraneous HISTORY keywords. - added 2 new random number functions to the CFITSIO parser RANDOMN() - produces a normal deviate (mean=0, stddev=1) RANDOMP(X) - produces a Poisson deviate for an expected # of counts X - in f77_wrap.h, removed the restriction that "g77Fortran" must be defined on 64-bit Itanium machines before assuming that sizeof(long) = 8. It appears that "long"s are always 8 bytes long on this machine, regardless of what compilers are used. - added test in fitsio.h so that LONGLONG cannot be multiply defined - modified longnam.h so that both "fits_write_nulrows" and "fits_write_nullrows" get replace by the string "ffprwu". This fixes a documentation error regarding the long name of this routine. Bug fixes - fixed a potential null character string dereferencing error in the the ffphtb and ffphbn routines that write the FITS table keywords. This concerned the optional TUNITn keywords. - fixed a few issues in fits_copy_cell2image and fits_copy_image2cell related to converting some WCS keyword between the image extension form and the table cell form of the keyword. (cfileio.c) - fixed bug in fits_translate_keyword (fitscore.c) that, e.g., caused 'EQUINOX' to be translated to EQUINOXA' if the pattern is 'EQUINOXa' - fixed 2 bugs that could affect 'tile compressed' floating point images that contain NaN pixels (null pixels). First, the ZBLANK keyword was not being written, and second, an integer overflow could occur when computing the BZERO offset in the compressed array. (quantize.c and imcompress.c) Version 3.006 - 20 February 2006 -(first full release of v3) - enhanced the 'col' extended filename syntax to support keyword name expressions like [col error=sqrt(rate); #TUNIT# = 'counts/s'], in which the trailing '#' will be replaced by the column number of the most recently referenced column. - fixed bug in the parse_data iterator work function that caused it to fail to return a value of -1 in cases where only a selected set of rows were to be processed. (affected Fv) - added code to fitsio.h and cfortran.h to typedef LONGLONG to the appropriate 8-byte integer data type. Most compilers now support the 'long long' data type, but older MS Visual C++ compilers used '__int64' instead. - made several small changes based on testing by Martin Reinecke: o in eval.y, change 'int undef' to 'long undef' o in getcold.c and getcole.c, fixed a couple format conversion specifiers when displaying the value of long long variables. o in fitsio.h, modified the definition of USE_LL_SUFFIX in the case of Athon64 machines. o in fitsio2.h, defined BYTESWAPPED in the case of SGI machines. o in group.c, added 'include unistd.h' to get rid of compiler warning. Version 3.005 - 20 December 2005 (beta) - cfortran.h has been enhanced to support 64-bit integer parameters when calling C routines from Fortran. This modification was kindly provided by Martin Reinecke (MPE, Garching). - Many new Fortran wrapper routines have been added to support reading and writing 64-bit integer values in FITS files. These new routines are documented in the updated version of the 'FITSIO User's Guide' for Fortran programmers. - fixed a problem in the fits_get_keyclass routine that caused it to not recognize the special COMMENT keywords at the beginning of most FITS files that defines the FITS format. - added a new check to the ffifile routine that parses the input extended file name, to distinguish between a FITS extension name that begins with 'pix', and a pixel filtering operator that begins with the 'pix' keyword. - small change to the WCSLIB interface routine, fits_read_wcstab, to be more permissive in allowing the TDIMn keyword to be omitted for degenerate coordinate array. Version 3.004 - 16 September 2005 (3rd public beta release) - a major enhancement to the CFITSIO virtual file parser was provided by Robert Wiegand (GSFC). One can now specify filtering operations that will be applied on the fly to the pixel values in a FITS image. For example [pix sqrt(X)] will create a virtual FITS image where the pixel values are the square root of the input image pixels. - modified region.c so that it interprets the position angles of regions in a SAO style region file in the same way as DS9. In particular, if the region parameters are given in WCS units, then the position angle should be relative to the WCS coordinates of the image (increasing CCW from West) instead of relative to the X/Y pixel coordinate system. This only affects rotated images (e.g. with non-zero CROTA2 keyword) with elliptical or rectangular regions. - cleaned up fitsio.h and fitsio2.h to make the definition of LONGLONG and BYTESWAPPED and MACHINE more logical. - removed HAVE_LONGLONG everywhere since it is no longer needed (the compiler now must have an 8-byte integer datatype to build CFITSIO). - added support for the 64-bit IBM AIX platform - modified eval.y so that the circle, ellipse, box, and near functions can operate on vectors as well as scalars. This allows region filtering on images that are stored in a vector cell in a binary table. (provided by Craig Markwardt, GSFC) New Routines - added new fits_read_wcstab routine that serves as an interface to Mark Calabretta's wcslib library for reading WCS information when the -TAB table lookup convention is used in the FITS file. - added new fits_write_nullrows routine, which writes null values into every column of a specified range of rows in a FITS table. - added the fits_translate_keyword and fits_translate_keywords utility routines for converting the names of keywords when moving columns and images around. - added fits_copy_cell2image and fits_copy_image2cell routines for copying an image extension (or primary array) to or from a cell in a binary table vector column. Bug fixes - fixed a memory leak in eval.y; was fixed by changing a call to malloc to cmalloc instead. - changed the definition of several global variables at the beginning of buffers.c to make them 'static' and thus invisible to applications programs. - in fits_copy_image_cell, added a call to flush the internal buffers before reading from the file, in case any records had been modified. Version 3.003 - 28 July 2005 - 2nd public beta release (used in HEASOFT) Enhancements - enhanced the string column reading routing fits_get_col_str to support cases where the user enters a null pointer (rather than a null string) as the nulval parameter. - modified the low level ffread and ffwrite routines that physically read and write data from the FITS file so that they write the name of the file to the CFITSIO error stack if an error occurs. - changed the definition of fits_open_file into a macro that will test that the version of the fitsio.h include file that was used to build the CFITSIO library is the same version as included when compiling the application program. - made a simple modification to region.c to support regions files of type "linear", for compatibility with ds9 and fv. - modified the internal ffgpr routine (and renamed it ffgprll) so that it returns the TNULL value as a LONGLONG parameter instead of 'long'. - in fits_get_col_display_width, added support for TFORM = 'k' - modified fitsio.h, fitsio2.h, and f77_wrap.h to add test for (_SX) to identify NEC SX supercomputers. - modified eval_f.c to treat table columns of TULONG (unsigned long) as a double. Also added support for TLONGLONG (8-byte integers) as a double, which is only a temporary fix, since doubles only have about 52 bits of precision. - changed the 'blank' parameter in the internal ffgphd function to to type LONGLONG to support integer*8 FITS images. - when reading the TNULL keyword value, now use ffc2jj instead of ffc2ii, to support integer*8 values. Bug fixes - fixed a significant bug when writing character strings to a variable length array column of a binary table. This bug would result in some unused space in the variable length heap, making the heap somewhat larger than necessary. This in itself is usually a minor issue, since the FITS files are perfectly valid, and other software should have no problems reading back the characters strings. In some cases, however, this problem could cause the program that is writing the table to exit with a status = 108 disk read error. - modified the standalone imcopy.c utility program to fix a memory allocation bug when running on 64-bit platforms where sizeof(long) = 8 bytes. - added an immediate 'return' statement to ffgtcl if the input status >0, to prevent a segfault on some platforms. Version 3.002 - 15 April 2005 - first public beta release - in drvrfile.c, if it fails to open the file for some reason, then it should reset file_outfile to a null string, to avoid errors on a subsequent call to open a file. - updated fits_get_keyclass to recognize most of the WCS keywords defined in the WCS Papers I and II. Version 3.001 - 15 March 2005 - released with HEASOFT 6.0 - numerous minor changes to the code to get rid of compiler warning messages, mainly dealing with numerical data type casting and the subsequent possible loss of precision in the result. Version 3.000 - 1 March 2005 (internal beta release) Enhancements: - Made major changes to many of the CFITSIO routines to more generally support Large Files (> 2.1 GB). These changes are intended to be 100% backward compatible with software that used the previous versions of CFITSIO. The datatype of many of the integer parameters in the CFITSIO functions has been changed from 'long' to 'LONGLONG', which is typedef'ed to be equivalent to an 8-byte integer datatype on each platform. With these changes, CFITSIO supports the following: - integer FITS keywords with absolute values > 2**31 - FITS files with total sizes > 2**31 bytes - FITS tables in which the number of rows, the row width, or the size of the heap is > 2**31 bytes - FITS images with dimensions > 2**31 bytes (support is still somewhat limited, with full support to be added later). - added another lexical parser function (thanks to Craig Markwardt, GSFC): angsep computes the angular separation between 2 positions on the celestial sphere. - modified the image subset extraction code (e.g., when specifying an image subregion when opening the file, such as 'myimage.fits[21:40, 81:90]') so that in addition to updating the values of the primary WCS keywords CRPIXk, CDELTi, and CDj_i in the extracted/binned image, it also looks for and updates any secondary WCS keywords (e.g., 'CRPIX1P'). - made cosmetic change to group.c, so that when a group table is copied, any extra columns will be appended after the last existing column, instead of being inserted before the last column. - modified the routines that read tile compressed images to support NULL as the input value for the 'anynul' parameter (meaning the calling program does not want the value of 'anynul' returned to it). - when constructing or parsing a year/month/day character string, (e.g, when writing the DATE keyword) the routines now rigorously verify that the input day value is valid for the given month (including leap years). - added some checks in cfileio.c to detect if some vital parameters that are stored in memory have been corrupted. This can occur if a user's program writes to areas of memory that it did not allocate. - added the wcsutil_alternate.c source code file which contains non-working stubs for the 2 Classic AIPS world coordinate conversion routines that are distributed under the GNU General Public License. Users who are unwilling or unable to distribute their software under the General Public License may use this alternate source file which has no GPL restrictions, instead of wcsutil.c. This will have no effect on programs that use CFITSIO as long as they do not call the fits_pix_to_world/ffwldp or fits_world_to_pix/ffxypx routines. Bug Fixes - in ffdtdm (which parses the TDIMn keyword value), the check for consistency between the length of the array defined by TDIMn and the size of the TFORMn repeat value, is now not performed for variable length array columns (which always have repeat = 1). - fixed byteswapping problem when writing null values to non-standard long integer FITS images with BITPIX = 64 and FITS table columns with TFORMn = 'K'. - fixed buffer overflow problem in fits_parse_template/ffgthd that occurred only if the input template keyword value string was much longer than can fit in an 80-char header record. Version 2.510 - 2 December 2004 New Routines: - added fits_open_diskfile and fits_create_diskfile routines that simply open or create a FITS file with a specified name. CFITSIO does not try to parse the name using the extended filename syntax. - 2 new C functions, CFITS2Unit and CUnit2FITS, were added to convert between the C fitsfile pointer value and the Fortran unit number. These functions may be useful in mixed language C and Fortran programs. Enhancements: - added the ability to recognize and open a compressed FITS file (compressed with gzip or unix compress) on the stdin standard input stream. - Craig Markwardt (GSFC) provided 2 more lexical parser functions: accum(x) and seqdiff(x) that compute the cumulative sum and the sequential difference of the values of x. - modified putcole.c and putcold.c so that when writing arrays of pixels to the FITS image or column that contain null values, and there are also numerical overflows when converting some of the non-null values to the FITS values, CFITSIO will now ignore the overflow error until after all the data have been written. Previously, in some circumstances CFITSIO would have simply stopped writing any data after the first overflow error. - modified fitsio2.h to try to eliminate compiler warning messages on some platforms about the use of 'long long' constants when defining the value of LONGLONG_MAX (whether to use L or LL suffix). - modified region.c to support 'physical' regions in addition to 'image', 'fk4', etc. - modified ffiurl (input filename parsing routine) to increase the maximum allowed extension number that can be specified from 9999 to 99999 (e.g. 'myfile.fits+99999') Bug Fixes: - added check to fits_create_template to force it to start with the primary array in the template file, in case an extension number was specified as part of the template FITS file name. Version 2.500 - 28 & 30 July 2004 New Routine: - fits_file_exists tests whether the specified input file, or a compressed version of the file, exists on disk. Enhancements: - modified the way CFITSIO reads and writes data in COMPLEX ('C') and DBLCOMPLEX 'M' columns. Now, in all cases, when referring to the number of elements in the vector, or the value of the offset to a particular element within the vector, CFITSIO considers each pair of numbers (the imaginary and real parts) as a single element instead of treating each single number as an element. In particular, this changes the behavior of fits_write_col_null when writing to complex columns. It also changes the length of the 'nullarray' vector in the fits_read_colnull routine; it is now only 1/2 as long as before. Each element of the nullarray is set = 1 if either the real or imaginary parts of the corresponding complex value have a null value.(this change was added to version 2.500 on 30 July). - Craig Markwardt, at GSFC, provided a number of significant enhancements to the CFITSIO lexical parser that is used to evaluate expressions: - the parser now can operate on bit columns ('X') in a similar way as for other numeric columns (e.g., 'B' or 'I' columns) - range checking has been implemented, so that the following conditions return a Null value, rather than returning an error: divide by zero, sqrt(negative), arccos(>1), arcsin(>1), log(negative), log10(negative) - new vector functions: MEDIAN, AVERAGE, STDDEV, and NVALID (returns the number of non-null values in the vector) - all the new functions (and SUM, MIN and MAX) ignore null values - modified the iterator to support variable-length array columns - modified configure to support AIX systems that have flock in a non- standard location. - modified configure to remove the -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS flag when running on Mac Darwin systems. This caused conflicts with the Fortran wrappers, and should only be needed in any case when using CFITSIO to read/write FITS files greater than 2.1 GB in size. - modified fitsio2.h to support compilers that define LONG_LONG_MAX. - modified ffrsim (resize an existing image) so that it supports changing the datatype to an unsigned integer image using the USHORT_IMG and ULONG_IMG definitions. - modified the disk file driver (drvrfile.c) so that if an output file is specified when opening an ordinary file (e.g. with the syntax 'myfile.fits(outputfile.fits)' then it will make a copy of the file, close the original file and open the copy. Previously, the specified output file would be ignored unless the file was compressed. - modified f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap3.c to support the Fortran wrappers on 64-bit AMD Opteron machines Bug fixes: - made small change to ffsrow in eval_f.c to avoid potential array bounds overflow. - made small change to group.c to fix problem where an 'int' was incorrectly being cast to a 'long'. - corrected a memory allocation error in the new fits_hdr2str routine that was added in version 2.48 - The on-the-fly row-selection filtering would fail with a segfault if the length of a table row (NAXIS1 value) was greater than 500000 bytes. A small change to eval_f.c was required to fix this. Version 2.490 - 11 February 2004 Bug fixes: - fixed a bug that was introduced in the previous release, which caused the CFITSIO parser to no longer move to a named extension when opening a FITS file, e.g., when opening myfile.fit[events] CFITSIO would just open the primary array instead of moving to the EVENTS extension. - new group.c file from the INTEGRAL Science Data Center. It fixes a problem when you attach a child to a parent and they are both is the same file, but, that parent contains groups in other files. In certain cases the attach would not happen because it seemed that the new child was already in the parent group. - fixed bug in fits_calculator_rng when performing a calculation on a range of rows in a table, so that it does not reset the value in all the other rows that are not in the range = 0. - modified fits_write_chksum so that it updates the TFORMn keywords for any variable length vector table columns BEFORE calculating the CHECKSUM values. Otherwise the CHECKSUM value is invalidated when the HDU is subsequently closed. Version 2.480 - 28 January 2004 New Routines: - fits_get_img_equivtype - just like fits_get_img_type, except in the case of scaled integer images, it returns the 'equivalent' data type that is necessary to store the scaled data values. - fits_hdr2str copies all the header keywords in the current HDU into a single long character string. This is a convenient method of passing the header information to other subroutines. The user may exclude any specified keywords from the list. Enhancements: - modified the filename parser so that it accepts extension names that begin with digits, as in 'myfile.fits[123TEST]'. In this case CFITSIO will try to open the extension with EXTNAME = '123TEST' instead of trying to move to the 123rd extension in the file. - the template keyword parser now preserves the comments on the the mandatory FITS keywords if present, otherwise a standard default comment is provided. - modified the ftp driver file (drvrnet.c) to overcome a timeout or hangup problem caused by some firewall software at the user's end (Thanks to Bruce O'Neel for this fix). - modified iraffits.c to incorporate Doug Mink's latest changes to his wcstools library routines. The biggest change is that now the actual image dimensions, rather than the physically stored dimensions, are used when converting an IRAF file to FITS. Bug fixes: - when writing to ASCII FITS tables, the 'elemnum' parameter was supposed to be ignored if it did not have the default value of 1. In some cases however setting elemnum to a value other than 1 could cause the wrong number of rows to be produced in the output table. - If a cfitsio calculator expression was imported from a text file (e.g. using the extended filename syntax 'file.fits[col @file.calc]') and if any individual lines in that text file were greater than 255 characters long, then a space character would be inserted after the 255th character. This could corrupt the line if the space was inserted within a column name or keyword name token. Version 2.480beta (used in the FTOOLS 5.3 release, 1 Nov 2003) New Routines: - fits_get_eqcoltype - just like fits_get_coltype, except in the case of scaled integer columns, it returns the 'equivalent' data type that is necessary to store the scaled data values. - fits_split_names - splits an input string containing a comma or space delimited list of names (typically file names or column names) into individual name tokens. Enhancements: - changed fhist in histo.c so that it can make histograms of ASCII table columns as well as binary table columns (as long as they contain numeric data). Bug fixes: - removed an erroneous reference to listhead.c in makefile.vcc, that is used to build the cfitsio dll under Windows. This caused a 'main' routine to be added to the library, which causes problems when linking fortran programs to cfitsio under windows. - if an error occurs when opening for a 2nd time (with ffopen) a file that is already open (e.g., the specified extension doesn't exist), and if the file had been modified before attempting to reopen it, then the modified buffers may not get written to disk and the internal state of the file may become corrupted. ffclos was modified to always set status=0 before calling ffflsh if the file has been concurrently opened more than once. Version 2.470 - 18 August 2003 Enhancements: - defined 'TSBYTE' to represent the 'signed char' datatype (similar to 'TBYTE' that represents the 'unsigned char' datatype) and added support for this datatype to all the routines that read or write data to a FITS image or table. This was implemented by adding 2 new C source code files to the package: getcolsb.c and putcolsb.c. - Defined a new '1S' shorthand data code for a signed byte column in a binary table. CFITSIO will write TFORMn = '1B' and TZEROn = -128 in this case, which is the convention used to store signed byte values in a 'B' type column. - in fitsio2.h, added test of whether `__x86_64__` is defined, to support the new AMD Opteron 64-bit processor - modified configure to not use the -fast compiler flag on Solaris platforms when using the proprietary Solaris cc compiler. This flag causes compilation problems in eval_y.c (compiler just hangs forever). Bug fixes: - In the special case of writing 0 elements to a vector table column that contains 0 rows, ffgcpr no longer adds a blank row to the table. - added error checking code for cases where a ASCII string column in a binary table is greater than 28800 characters wide, to avoid going into an infinite loop. - the fits_get_col_display_width routine was incorrectly returning width = 0 for a 'A' binary table column that did not have an explicit vector length character. Version 2.460 - 20 May 2003 Enhancements: - modified the HTTP driver in drvrnet.c so that CFITSIO can read FITS files via a proxy HTTP server. (This code was contributed by Philippe Prugniel, Obs. de Lyon). To use this feature, the 'http_proxy' environment variable must be defined with the address (URL) and port number of the proxy server, i.e., > setenv http_proxy http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov:3128 will use port 3128 on heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov - suppressed some compiler warnings by casting a variable of type 'size_t' to type 'int' in fftkey (in fitscore.c) and iraftofits and irafrdimge (in iraffits.c). Version 2.450 - 30 April 2003 Enhancements: - modified the WCS keyword reading routine (ffgics) to support cases where some of the CDi_j keywords are omitted (with an assumed value = 0). - Made a change to http_open_network in drvrnet.c to add a 'Host: ' string to the open request. This is required by newer HTTP 1.1 servers (so-called virtual servers). - modified ffgcll (read logical table column) to return the illegal character value itself if the FITS file contains a logical value that is not equal to T, F or zero. Previously it treated this case the same as if the FITS file value was = 0. - modified fits_movnam_hdu (ffmnhd) so that it will move to a tile- compressed image (that is stored in a binary table) if the input desired HDU type is BINARY_TBL as well as if the HDU type = IMAGE_HDU. Bug fixes: - in the routine that checks the data fill bytes (ffcdfl), the call to ffmbyt should not ignore an EOF error when trying to read the bytes. This is a little-used routine that is not called by any other CFITSIO routine. - fits_copy_file was not reporting an error if it hit the End Of File while copying the last extension in the input file to the output file. - fixed inconsistencies in the virtual file column filter parser (ffedit_columns) to properly support expressions which create or modify a keyword, instead of a column. Previously it was only possible to modify keywords in a table extension (not an image), and the keyword filtering could cause some of the table columns to not get propagated into the virtual file. Also, spaces are now allowed within the specified keyword comment field. - ffdtyp was incorrectly returning the data type of FITS keyword values of the form '1E-09' (i.e., an exponential value without a decimal point) as integer rather than floating point. - The enhancement in the previous 2.440 release to allow more files to be opened at one time introduced a bug: if ffclos is called with a non-zero status value, then any subsequent call to ffopen will likely cause a segmentation fault. The fits_clear_Fptr routine was modified to fix this. - rearranged the order of some computations in fits_resize_img so as to not exceed the range of a 32-bit integer when dealing with large images. - the template parser routine, ngp_read_xtension, was testing for "ASCIITABLE" instead of "TABLE" as the XTENSION value of an ASCII table, and it did not allow for optional trailing spaces in the IMAGE" or "TABLE" string value. Version 2.440 - 8 January 2003 Enhancements: - modified the iterator function, ffiter, to operate on random groups files. - decoupled the NIOBUF (= 40) parameter from the limit on the number FITS files that can be opened, so that more files may be opened without the overhead of having to increase the number of NIOBUF buffers. A new NMAXFILES parameter is defined in fitsio2.h which sets the maximum number of opened FITS files. It is set = 300 by default. Note however, that the underlying compiler or operating system may not allow this many files to be opened at one time. - updated the version of cfortran.h that is distributed with CFITSIO from version 3.9 to version 4.4. This required changes to f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap3.c. The original cfortran.h v4.4 file was modified slightly to support CFITSIO and ftools (see comments in the header of cfortran.h). - modified ffhist so that it copies all the non-structural keywords from the original binary table header to the binned image header. - modified fits_get_keyclass so that it recognizes EXTNAME = COMPRESSED_IMAGE as a special tile compression keyword. - modified Makefile.in to support the standard --prefix convention for specifying the install target directory. Bug fixes: - in fits_decompress_img, needed to add a call to ffpscl to turn off the BZERO and BSCALE scaling when reading the compressed image. Version 2.430 - 4 November 2002 Enhancements: - modified fits_create_hdu/ffcrhd so that it returns without doing anything and does not generate an error if the current HDU is already an empty HDU. There is no need in this case to append a new empty HDU to the file. - new version of group.c (supplied by B. O'Neel at the ISDC) fixes 2 limitations: 1 - Groups now have 256 characters rather than 160 for the path lengths in the group tables. - ISDC SPR 1720. 2 - Groups now can have backpointers longer than 68 chars using the long string convention. - ISDC SPR 1738. - small change to f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap3.c to support the fortran wrappers on SUN solaris 64-bit sparc systems (see also change to v2.033) - small change to find_column in eval_f.c to support unsigned long columns in binary tables (with TZEROn = 2147483648.0) - small modification to cfortran.h to support Mac OS-X, (Darwin) Bug fixes: - When reading tile-compress images, the BSCALE and BZERO scaling keywords were not being applied, if present. - Previous changes to the error message stack code caused the tile compressed image routines to not clean up spurious error messages properly. - fits_open_image was not skipping over null primary arrays. Version 2.420 - 19 July 2002 Enhancements: - modified the virtual filename parser to support exponential notation when specifying the min, max or binsize in a binning specifier, as in: myfile.fits[binr X=1:10:1.0E-01, Y=1:10:1.0E-01] - removed the limitation on the maximum number of HDUs in a FITS file (limit used to be 1000 HDUs per file). Now any number of HDUs can be written/read in a FITS file. (BUT files that have huge numbers of HDUs can be difficult to manage and are not recommended); - modified grparser.c to support HIERARCH keywords, based on code supplied by Richard Mathar (Max-Planck) - moved the ffflsh (fits_flush_buffer) from the private to the public interface, since this routine may be useful for some applications. It is much faster than ffflus. - small change to the definition of OFF_T in fitsio.h to support large files on IBM AIX operating systems. Bug fixes: - fixed potential problem reading beyond array bounds in ffpkls. This would not have affected the content of any previously generated FITS files. - in the net driver code in drvrnet.c, the requested protocol string was changed from "http/1.0" to "HTTP/1.0" to support apache 1.3.26. - When using the virtual file syntax to open a vector cell in a binary table as if it were a primary array image, there was a bug in fits_copy_image_cell which garbled the data if the vector was more than 30000 bytes long. - fixed problem that caused fits_report_error to crash under Visual C++ on Windows systems. The fix is to use the '/MD' switch on the cl command line, or, in Visual Studio, under project settings / C++ select use runtime library multithreaded DLL - modified ffpscl so it does not attempt to reset the scaling values in the internal structure if the image is tile-compressed. - fixed multiple bugs in mem_rawfile_open which affected the case where a raw binary file is read and converted on the fly into a FITS file. - several small changes to group.c to suppress compiler warnings. Version 2.410 - 22 April 2002 (used in the FTOOLS 5.2 release) New Routines: - fits_open_data behaves similarly to fits_open_file except that it also will move to the first HDU containing significant data if and an explicit HDU name or number to open was not specified. This is useful for automatically skipping over a null primary array when opening the file. - fits_open_table and fits_open_image behaves similarly to fits_open_data, except they move to the first table or image HDU in the file, respectively. - fits_write_errmark and fits_clear_errmark routines can be use to write an invisible marker to the CFITSIO error stack, and then clear any more recent messages on the stack, back to that mark. This preserves any older messages on the stack. - fits_parse_range utility routine parses a row list string and returns integer arrays giving the min and max row in each range. - fits_delete_rowrange deletes a specified list of rows or row ranges. - fits_copy_file copies all or part of the HDUs in the input file to the output file. - added fits_insert_card/ffikey to the publicly defined set of routines (previously, it was a private routine). Enhancements: - changed the default numeric display format in ffgkys from 'E' format to 'G' format, and changed the format for 'X' columns to a string of 8 1s or 0s representing each bit value. - modified ffflsh so the system 'fflush' call is not made in cases where the file was opened with 'READONLY' access. - modified the output filename parser so the "-.gz", and "stdout.gz" now cause the output file to be initially created in memory, and then compressed and written out to the stdout stream when the file is closed. - modified the routines that delete rows from a table to also update the variable length array heap, to remove any orphaned data from the heap. - modified ffedit_columns so that wild card characters may be used when specifying column names in the 'col' file filter specifier (e.g., file.fits[col TIME; *RAW] will create a virtual table contain only the TIME column and any other columns whose name ends with 'RAW'). - modified the keyword classifier utility, fits_get_keyclass, to support cases where the input string is just the keyword name, not the entire 80-character card. - modified configure.in and configure to see if a proprietary C compiler is available (e.g. 'cc'), and only use 'gcc' if not. - modified ffcpcl (copy columns from one table to another) so that it also copies any WCS keywords related to that column. - included an alternate source file that can be used to replace compress.c, which is distributed under the GNU General Public License. The alternate file contains non-functional stubs for the compression routines, which can be used to make a version of CFITSIO that does not have the GPL restrictions (and is also less functional since it cannot read or write compressed FITS files). - modifications to the iterator routine (ffiter) to support writing tile compressed output images. - modified ffourl to support the [compress] qualifier when specifying the optional output file name. E.g., file.fit(out.file[compress])[3] - modified imcomp_compress_tile to fully support implicit data type conversion when writing to tile-compressed images. Previously, one could not write a floating point array to an integer compressed image. - increased the number of internal 2880-byte I/O buffers allocated by CFITSIO from 25 to 40, in recognition of the larger amount of memory available on typical machines today compared with a few years ago. The number of buffers can be set by the user with the NIOBUF parameter in fitsio2.h. (Setting this too large can actually hurt performance). - modified the #if statements in fitsio2.h, f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap1.c to support the new Itanium 64-bit Intel PC. - a couple minor modifications to fitsio.h needed to support the off_t datatype on debian linux systems. - increased internal buffer sizes in ffshft and ffsrow to improve the I/O performance. Bug fixes: - fits_get_keyclass could sometimes try to append to an unterminated string, causing an overflow of a string array. - fits_create_template no longer worked because of improvements made to other routines. Had to modify ffghdt to not try to rescan the header keywords if the file is still empty and contains no keywords yet. - ffrtnm, which returns the root filename, sometimes did not work properly when testing if the 'filename+n' convention was used for specifying an extension number. - fixed minor problem in the keyword template parsing routine, ffgthd which in rare cases could cause an improperly terminated string to be returned. - the routine to compare 2 strings, ffcmps, failed to find a match in comparing strings like "*R" and "ERROR" where the match occurs on the last character, but where the same matching character occurs previously in the 2nd string. - the region file reading routine (ffrrgn) did not work correctly if the region file (created by POW and perhaps other programs) had an 'exclude' region (beginning with a '-' sign) as the first region in the file. In this case all points outside the excluded region should be accepted, but in fact no points were being accepted in this case. Version 2.401 - 28 Jan 2002 - added the imcopy example program to the release (and Makefile) Bug fixes: - fixed typo in the imcompress code which affected compression of 3D datacubes. - made small change to fficls (insert column) to allow colums with TFORMn = '1PU' and '1PV' to be inserted in a binary table. The 'U' and 'V' are codes only used within CFITSIO to represent unsigned 16-bit and 32-bit integers; They get replaced by '1PI' and '1PJ' respectively in the FITS table header, along with the appropriate TZEROn keyword. Version 2.400 - 18 Jan 2002 (N.B.: Application programs must be recompiled, not just relinked with the new CFITSIO library because of changes made to fitsio.h) New Routines: - fits_write_subset/ffpss writes a rectangular subset (or the whole image) to a FITS image. - added a whole new family of routines to read and write arrays of 'long long' integers (64-bit) to FITS images or table columns. The new routine names all end in 'jj': ffpprjj, ffppnjj, ffp2djj, ffp3djj, ffppssjj, ffpgpjj, ffpcljj, ffpcnjj. ffgpvjj, ffgpfjj, ffg2djj, ffg3djj, ffgsvjj, ffgsfjj, ffggpjj, ffgcvjj, and ffgcfjj. - added a set of helper routines that are used in conjunction with the new support for tiled image compression. 3 routines set the parameters that should be used when CFITSIO compresses an image: fits_set_compression_type fits_set_tile_dim fits_set_noise_bits 3 corresponding routines report back the current settings: fits_get_compression_type fits_get_tile_dim fits_get_noise_bits Enhancements: - major enhancement was made to support writing to tile-compressed images. In this format, the image is divided up into a rectangular grid of tiles, and each tile of pixels is compressed individually and stored in a row of a variable-length array column in a binary table. CFITSIO has been able to transparently read this compressed image format ever since version 2.1. Now all the CFITSIO image writing routines also transparently support this format. There are 2 ways to force CFITSIO to write compressed images: 1) call the fits_set_compression_type routine before writing the image header keywords, or 2), specify that the image should be compressed when entering the name of the output FITS file, using a new extended filename syntax. (examples: "myfile.fits[compress]" will use the default compression parameters, and "myfile.fits[compress GZIP 100,100] will use the GZIP compression algorithm with 100 x 100 pixel tiles. - added new driver to support creating output .gz compressed fits files. If the name of the output FITS file to be created ends with '.gz' then CFITSIO will initially write the FITS file in memory and then, when the FITS file is closed, CFITSIO will gzip the entire file before writing it out to disk. - when over-writing vectors in a variable length array in a binary table, if the new vector to be written is less than or equal to the length of the previously written vector, then CFITSIO will now reuse the existing space in the heap, rather than always appending the new array to the end of the heap. - modified configure.in to support building cfitsio as a dynamic library on Mac OS X. Use 'make shared' like on other UNIX platforms, but a .dylib file will be created instead of .so. If installed in a nonstandard location, add its location to the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that the library can be found at run time. - made various modifications to better support the 8-byte long integer datatype on more platforms. The 'LONGLONG' datatype is typedef'ed to equal 'long long' on most Unix platforms and MacOS, and equal to '__int64' on Windows machines. - modified configure.in and makefile.in to better support cases where the system has no Fortran compiler and thus the f77 wrapper routines should not be compiled. - made small modification to eval.y and eval_y.f to get rid of warning on some platforms about redefinition of the 'alloca'. Bug fixes: - other recent bug fixes in ffdblk (delete blocks) caused ffdhdu (delete HDU) to fail when trying to replace the primary array with a null primary array. - fixed bug that prevented inserting a new variable length column into a table that already contained variable length data. - modified fits_delete_file so that it will delete the file even if the input status value is not equal to zero. - in fits_resize_image, it was sometimes necessary to call ffrdef to force the image structure to be defined. - modified the filename parser to support input files with names like: "myfile.fits.gz(mem://tmp)" in which the url type is specified for the output file but not for the input file itself. This required modifications to ffiurl and ffrtnm. Version 2.301 - 7 Dec 2001 Enhancements: - modified the http file driver so that if the filename to be opened contains a '?' character (most likely a cgi related string) then it will not attempt to append a .gz or .Z as it would normally do. - added support for the '!' clobber character when specifying the output disk file name in CFITSIO's extended filename syntax, e.g., 'http://a.b.c.d/myfile.fits.gz(!outfile.fits)' - added new device driver which is used when opening a compressed FITS file on disk by uncompressing it into memory with READWRITE access. This happens when specifying an output filename 'mem://'. - added 2 other device drivers to open http and ftp files in memory with write access. - improved the error trapping and reporting in cases where program attempts to write to a READONLY file (especially in cases where the 'file' resides in memory, as is the case when opening an ftp or http file. - modified the extended filename parser so that it is does not confuse the bracket character '[' which is sometimes used in the root name of files of type 'http://', as the start of an extname or row filter expression. If the file is of type 'http://', the parser now checks to see if the last character in the extended file name is a ')' or ']'. If not, it does not try to parse the file name any further. - improved the efficiency when writing FITS files in memory, by initially allocating enough memory for the entire HDU when it is created, rather than incrementally reallocing memory 2880 bytes at a time (modified ffrhdu and mem_truncate). This change also means that the program will fail much sooner if it cannot allocate enough memory to hold the entire FITS HDU. Bug fixes: - There was an error in the definition of the Fortran ftphtb wrapper routine (writes required ASCII table header keywords) that caused it to fail on DEC OSF and other platforms where sizeof(long) = 8. Version 2.300 - 23 Oct 2001 New Routines: - fits_comp_img and fits_decomp_img are now fully supported and documented. These routine compress and decompress, respective, a FITS image using a new algorithm in which the image is first divided into a grid of rectangular tiles, then the compressed byte stream from each tile is stored in a row of a binary table. CFITSIO can transparently read FITS images stored in this compressed format. Compression ratios of 3 - 6 are typically achieved. Large compression ratios are achieved for floating point images by throwing away non-significant noise bits in the pixel values. - fits_test_heap tests the integrity of the binary table heap and returns statistics on the amount of unused space in the heap and the amount of space that is pointed to by more than 1 descriptor. - fits_compress_heap which will reorder the arrays in the binary table heap, recovering any unused space. Enhancements: - made substantial internal changes to the code to support FITS files containing 64-bit integer data values. These files have BITPIX = 64 or TFORMn = 'K'. This new feature in CFITSIO is currently only enabled if SUPPORT_64BIT_INTEGERS is defined = 1 in the beginning of the fitsio2.h file. By default support for 64-bit integers is not enabled. - improved the ability to read and return a table column value as a formatted string by supporting quasi-legal TDISPn values which have a lowercase format code letter, and by completely ignoring other unrecognizable TDISPn values. Previously, unrecognized TDISPn values could cause zero length strings to be returned. - made fits_write_key_longstr more efficient when writing keywords using the long string CONTINUE convention. It previously did not use all the available space on each card when the string to be written contained many single quote characters. - added a new "CFITSIO Quick Start Guide" which provides all the basic information needed to write C programs using CFITSIO. - updated the standard COMMENT keywords that are written at the beginning of every primary array to refer to the newly published FITS Standard document in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Note: because of this change, any FITS file created with this version of CFITSIO will not be identical to the same file written with a previous version of CFITSIO. - replaced the 2 routines in pliocomp.c with new versions provided by D Tody and N Zarate. These routines compress/uncompress image pixels using the IRAF pixel list compression algorithm. - modified fits_copy_hdu so that when copying a Primary Array to an Image extension, the COMMENT cards which give the reference to the A&A journal article about FITS are not copied. In the inverse case the COMMENT keywords are inserted in the header. - modified configure and Makefile.in to add capability to build a shared version of the CFITSIO library. Type 'make shared' or 'make libcfitsio.so' to invoke this option. - disabled some uninformative error messages on the error stack: 1) when calling ffclos (and then ffchdu) with input status > 0 2) when ffmahd tries to move beyond the end of file. The returned status value remains the same as before, but the annoying error messages no longer get written to the error stack. - The syntax for column filtering has been modified so that if one only specifies a list of column names, then only those columns will be copied into the output file. This provides a simple way to make a copy of a table containing only a specified list of columns. If the column specifier explicitly deletes a column, however, than all the other columns will be copied to the filtered input file, regardless of whether the columns were listed or not. Similarly, if the expression specifies only a column to be modified or created, then all the other columns in the table will be copied. mytable.fit[1][col Time;Rate] - only the Time and Rate columns will be copied to the filtered input file. mytable.fit[1][col -Time ] - all but the Time column are copied to the filtered input file. mytable.fit[1][col Rate;-Time] - same as above. - changed a '#if defined' statement in f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap1.c to support the fortran wrappers on 64-bit IBM/RS6000 systems - modified group.c so that when attaching one group (the child) to another (the parent), check in each file for the existence of a pointer to the other before adding the link. This is to prevent multiple links from forming under all circumstances. - modified the filename parser to accept 'STDIN', 'stdin', 'STDOUT' and 'stdout' in addition to '-' to mean read the file from standard input or write to standard output. - Added support for reversing an axis when reading a subsection of a compressed image using the extended filename syntax, as in myfile.fits+1[-*, *] or myfile.fits+1[600:501,501:600] - When copying a compressed image to a uncompressed image, the EXTNAME keyword is no longer copied if the value is equal to 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE'. - slight change to the comment field of the DATE keyword to reflect the fact that the Unix system date and time is not true UTC time. Bug fixes: - fits_write_key_longstr was not writing the keyword if a null input string value was given. - writing data to a variable length column, if that binary table is not the last HDU in the FITS file, might overwrite the following HDU. Fixed this by changing the order of a couple operations in ffgcpr. - deleting a column from a table containing variable length columns could cause the last few FITS blocks of the file to be reset = 0. This bug occurred as a result of modifications to ffdblk in v2.202. This mainly affects users of the 'compress_fits' utility program. - fixed obscure problem when writing bits to a variable length 'B' column. - when reading a subsection of an image, the BSCALE and BZERO pixel scaling may not have been applied when reading image pixel values (even though the scaling keywords were properly written in the header). - fits_get_keyclass was not returning 'TYP_STRUCT_KEY' for the END keyword. Version 2.204 - 26 July 2001 Bug fixes: - Re-write of fits_clean_url in group.c to solve various problems with invalid bounds checking. Version 2.203 - 19 July 2001 (version in FTOOLS v5.1) Enhancements: - When a row selection or calculator expression is written in an external file (and read by CFITSIO with the '@filename' syntax) the file can now contain comment lines. The comment line must begin with 2 slash characters as the first 2 characters on the line. CFITSIO will ignore the entire line when reading the expression. Bug fixes: - With previous versions of CFITSIO, the pixel values in a FITS image could be read incorrectly in the following case: when opening a subset of a FITS image (using the 'filename.fits[Xmin:Xmax,Ymin:Ymax]' notation) on a PC linux, PC Windows, or DEC OSF machine (but not on a SUN or Mac). This problem only occurs when reading more than 8640 bytes of data (2160 4-byte integers) at a time, and usually only occurs if the reading program reads the pixel data immediately after opening the file, without first reading any header keywords. This error would cause strips of zero valued pixels to appear at semi-random positions in the image, where each strip usually would be 2880 bytes long. This problem does not affect cases where the input subsetted image is simply copied to a new output FITS file. Version 2.202 - 22 May 2001 Enhancements: - revised the logic in the routine that tests if a point is within a region: if the first region is an excluded region, then it implicitly assumes a prior include region covering the entire detector. It also now supports cases where a smaller include region is within a prior exclude region. - made enhancement to ffgclb (read bytes) so that it can also read values from a logical column, returning an array of 1s and 0s. - defined 2 new grouping error status values (349, 350) in cfitsio.h and made minor changes to group.c to use these new status values. - modified fits_open_file so that if it encounters an error while trying to move to a user-specified extension (or select a subset of the rows in an input table, or make a histogram of the column values) it will close the input file instead of leaving it open. - when using the extended filename syntax to filter the rows in an input table, or create a histogram image from the values in a table column, CFITSIO now writes HISTORY keywords in the output file to document the filtering expression that was used. Bug fixes: - ffdblk (called by ffdrow) could overwrite the last FITS block(s) in the file in some cases where one writes data to a variable length column and then calls ffdrow to delete rows in the table. This bug was similar to the ffiblk bug that was fixed in v2.033. - modified fits_write_col_null to fix a problem which under unusual circumstances would cause a End-of-File error when trying to read back the value in an ASCII string column, after initializing if by writing a null value to it. - fixed obscure bug in the calculator function that caused an error when trying to modify the value of a keyword in a HDU that does not have a NAXIS2 keyword (e.g., a null primary array). - the iterator function (in putcol.c) had a bug when calculating the optimum number rows to process in the case where the table has very wide rows (>33120 bytes) and the calculator expression involves columns from more than one FITS table. This could cause an infinite loop in calls to the ffcalc calculator function. - fixed bug in ffmvec, which modifies the length of an existing vector column in a binary table. If the vector was reduced in length, the FITS file could sometimes be left in a corrupted state, and in all cases the values in the remaining vector elements of that column would be altered. - in drvrfile.c, replaced calls to fsetpos and fgetpos with fseek and ftell (or fseeko and ftello) because the fpos_t filetype used in fsetpos is incompatible with the off_t filetype used in fseek, at least on some platforms (Linux 7.0). (This fix was inserted into the V2.201 release on April 4). - added "#define fits_write_pixnull ffppxn" to longnam.h Version 2.201 - 15 March 2001 Enhancements - enhanced the keyword reading routines so that they will do implicit datatype conversion from a string keyword value to a numeric keyword value, if the string consist of a valid number enclosed in quotes. For example, the keyword mykey = '37.5' can be read by ffgkye. - modified ffiimg so that it is possible to insert a new primary array at the beginning of the file. The original primary array is then converted into an IMAGE extension. - modified ffcpdt (copy data unit) to support the case where the data unit is being copied between 2 HDUs in the same file. - enhanced the fits_read_pix and fits_read_pixnull routines so that they support the tiled image compression format that the other image reading routines also support. - modified the Extended File Name syntax to also accept a minus sign (-) as well as an exclamation point (!) as the leading character when specifying a column or or keyword to be deleted, as in [col -time] will delete the TIME column. - now completely support reading subimages, including pixel increments in each dimension, for tile-compressed images (where the compressed image tiles are stored in a binary table). Bug fixes: - fixed confusion in the use of the fpos_t and off_t datatypes in the fgetpos and fsetpos routines in drvrfile.c which caused problems with the Windows VC++ compiler. (fpos_t is not necessarily identical to off_t) - fixed a typo in the fits_get_url function in group.c which caused problems when determining the relative URL to a compressed FITS file. - included fitsio.h in the shared memory utility program, smem.c, in order to define OFF_T. - fixed typo in the datatype of 'nullvalue' in ffgsvi, which caused attempts to read subsections of a short integer tiled compressed image to fail with a bus error. - fixed bug in ffdkey which sometimes worked incorrectly if one tried to delete a nonexistent keyword beyond the end of the header. - fixed problem in fits_select_image_section when it writes a dummy value to the last pixel of the section. If the image contains scaled integer pixels, then in some cases the pixel value could end up out of range. - fixed obscure bug in the ffpcn_ family of routines which gave a floating exception when trying to write zero number of pixels to a zero length array (why would anyone do this?) Version 2.200 - 26 Jan 2001 Enhancements - updated the region filtering code to support the latest region file formats that are generated by the POW, SAOtng and ds9 programs. Region positions may now be given in HH:MM:SS.s, DD:MM:SS.s format, and region sizes may be given arcsec or arcmin instead of only in pixel units. Also changed the logic so that if multiple 'include' regions are specified in the region file, they are ORed together, instead of ANDed, so that the filtering keeps points that are located within any of the 'include' regions, not just the intersection of the regions. - added support for reading raw binary data arrays by converting them on the fly into virtual FITS files. - modified ffpmsg, which writes error messages to CFITSIO's internal error stack, so that messages > 80 characters long will be wrapped around into multiple 80 character messages, instead of just being truncated at 80 characters. - modified the CFITSIO parser so that expression which involve scaled integer columns get cast to double rather than int. - Modified the keyword template parsing routine, ffgthd, to support the HIERARCH keyword. - modified ffainit and ffbinit so that they don't unnecessarily allocate 0 bytes of memory if there are no columns (TFIELDS = 0) in the table that is being opened. - modified fitsio2.h to support NetBSD on Alpha OSF platforms (NetBSD does not define the '__unix__' symbol). - changed the way OFF_T is defined in fitsio.h for greater portability. - changed drvrsmem.c so it is compiled only when HAVE_SHMEM_SERVICES is defined in order to removed the conditional logic from the Makefile - reorganized the CFITSIO User's guide to make it clearer and easier for new users to learn the basic routines. - fixed ffhdef (which reserves space for more header keywords) so that is also updates the start position of the next HDU. This affected the offset values returned by ffghof. Version 2.100 - 18 Oct 2000 Enhancements - made substantial modification to the code to support Large files, i.e., files larger than 2**31 bytes = 2.1GB. FITS files up to 6 terabytes in size may now be read and written on platforms that support Large files (currently only Solaris). - modified ffpcom and ffphis, which write COMMENT and HISTORY keywords, respectively, so that they now use columns 9 - 80, instead of only columns 11 - 80. Previously, these routines avoided using columns 9 and 10, but this is was unnecessarily restrictive. - modified ffdhdu so that instead of refusing to delete the primary array, it will replace the current primary array with a null primary array containing the bare minimum of required keywords and no data. New Routines - fits_read_pix, fits_read_pixnull, fits_read_subset, and fits_write_pix routines were added to enable reading and writing of Large images, with more than 2.1e9 pixels. These new routines are now recommended as the basic routines for reading and writing all images. - fits_get_hduoff returns the byte offset in the file to the start and end of the current HDU. This routine replaces the now obsolete fits_get_hduaddr routine; it uses 'off_t' instead of 'long' as the datatype of the arguments and can support offsets in files greater than 2.1GB in size. Bug fixes: - fixed bug in fits_select_image_section that caused an integer overflow when reading very large image sections (bigger than 8192 x 8192 4-byte pixels). - improved ffptbb, the low-level table writing routine, so that it will insert additional rows in the table if the table is not already big enough. Previously it would have just over- written any HDUs following the table in the FITS file. - fixed a bug in the fits_write_col_bit/ffpclx routine which could not write to a bit 'X' column if that was the first column in the table to be written to. This bug would not appear if any other datatype column was written to first. - non-sensible (but still formally legal) binary table TFORM values such as '8A15', or '1A8' or 'A8' would confuse CFITSIO and cause it to return a 308 error. When parsing the TFORMn = 'rAw' value, the ffbnfm routine has been modified to ignore the 'w' value in cases where w > r. - fixed bug in the blsearch routine in iraffits.c which sometimes caused an out-of-bounds string pointer to be returned when searching for blank space in the header just before the 'END' keyword. - fixed minor problem in ffgtcr in group.c, which sometimes failed while trying to move to the end of file before appending a grouping table. - on Solaris, with Sun CC 5.0, one must check for '__unix' rather than '__unix__' or 'unix' as it's symbol. Needed to modify this in drvrfile.c in 3 places. - in ffextn, the FITS file would be left open if the named extension doesn't exist, thus preventing the file from being opened again later with write access. - fixed bug in ffiimg that would cause attempts to insert a new image extension following a table extension, and in front of any other type of extension, to fail. Version 2.037 - 6 July 2000 Enhancements - added support in the extended filename syntax for flipping an image along any axis either by specifying a starting section pixel number greater than the ending pixel number, or by using '-*' to flip the whole axis. Examples: "myfile.fits[1:100, 50:10]" or "myfile.fits[-*,*]". - when reading a section of an image with the extended filename syntax (e.g. image.fits[1:100:2, 1:100:2), any CDi_j WCS keywords will be updated if necessary to transfer the world coordinate system from the imput image to the output image section. - on UNIX platforms, added support for filenames that begin with "~/" or "~user/". The "~" symbol will get expanded into a string that gives the user's home directory. - changed the filename parser to support disk file names that begin with a minus sign. Previously, the leading minus sign would cause CFITSIO to try to read/write the file from/to stdin/stdout. - modified the general fits_update_key routine, which writes or updates a keyword value, to use the 'G' display format instead of the 'E' format for floating point keyword values. This will eliminate trailing zeros from appearing in the value. - added support for the "-CAR" celestial coordinate projection in the ffwldp and ffxypx routines. The "-CAR" projection is the default simplest possible linear projection. - added new fits_create_memfile/ffimem routine to create a new fits file at a designated memory location. - ported f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap1.c so that the Fortran interface wrappers work correctly on 64-bit SGI operating systems. In this environment, C 'long's are 8-bytes long, but Fortran 'integers' are still only 4-bytes long, so the words have to be converted by the wrappers. - minor modification to cfortran.h to automatically detect when it is running on a linux platform, and then define f2cFortran in that case. This eliminates the need to define -Df2cFortran on the command line. - modified group.c to support multiple "/" characters in the path name of the file to be opened/created. - minor modifications to the parser (eval.y, eval_f.c, eval_y.c) to a) add the unary '+' operator, and b) support copying the TDIMn keyword from the input to the output image under certain circumstances. - modified the lexical parser in eval_l.y and eval_l.c to support #NULL and #SNULL constants which act to set the value to Null. Support was also added for the C-conditional expression: 'boolean ? trueVal : falseVal'. - small modification to eval_f.c to write an error message to the error stack if numerical overflow occurs when evaluating an expression. - configure and configure.in now support the egcs g77 compiler on Linux platforms. Bug fixes: - fixed a significant bug when using the extended filename binning syntax to generate a 2-dimensional image from a histogram of the values in 2 table columns. This bug would cause table events that should have been located in the row just below the bottom row of the image (and thus should have been excluded from the histogram) to be instead added into the first row of the image. Similarly, the first plane of a 3-D or 4-D data cube would include the events that should have been excluded as falling in the previous plane of the cube. - fixed minor bug when parsing an extended filename that contains nested pairs of square brackets (e.g., '[col newcol=oldcol[9]]'). - fixed bug when reading unsigned integer values from a table or image with fits_read_col_uint/ffgcvuk. This bug only occurred on systems like Digital Unix (now Tru64 Unix) in which 'long' integers are 8 bytes long, and only when reading more than 7200 elements at a time. This bug would generally cause the program to crash with a segmentation fault. - modified ffgcpr to update 'heapstart' as well as 'numrows' when writing more rows beyond the end of the table. heapstart is needed to calculate if more space needs to be inserted in the table when inserting columns into the table. - modified fficls (insert column), ffmvec, ffdrow and ffdcol to not use the value of the NAXIS2 keyword as the number of rows in the table, and instead use the value that is stored in an internal structure, because the keyword value may not be up to date. - Fixed bug in the iterator function that affected the handling of null values in string columns in ASCII and binary tables. - Reading a subsample of pixels in very large images, (e.g., file = myfile.fits[1:10000:10,1:10000:10], could cause a long integer overflow (value > 2**31) in the computation of the starting byte offset in the file, and cause a return error status = 304 (negative byte address). This was fixed by changing the order of the arithmetic operations in calculating the value of 'readptr' in the ffgcli, ffgclj, ffgcle, ffgcld, etc. routines. - In version 2.031, a fix to prevent compressed files from being opened with write privilege was implemented incorrectly. The fix was intended to not allow a compressed FITS file to be opened except when a local uncompressed copy of the file is being produced (then the copy is opened with write access), but in fact the opposite behavior occurred: Compressed files could be opened with write access, EXCEPT when a local copy is produced. This has been fixed in the mem_compress_open and file_compress_open routines. - in iraffits.c, a global variable called 'val' caused multiply defined symbols warning when linking cfitsio and IRAF libraries. This was fixed by making 'val' a local variable within the routine. Version 2.036 - 1 Feb 2000 - added 2 new generic routines, ffgpf and ffgcf which are analogous to ffgpv and ffgcv but return an array of null flag values instead of setting null pixels to a reserved value. - minor change to eval_y.c and eval.y to "define alloca malloc" on all platforms, not just VMS. - added support for the unsigned int datatype (TUINT) in the generic ffuky routine and changed ffpky so that unsigned ints are cast to double instead of long before being written to the header. - modified ffs2c so that if a null string is given as input then a null FITS string (2 successive single quotes) will be returned. Previously this routine would just return a string with a single quote, which could cause an illegal keyword record to be written. - The file flush operation on Windows platforms apparently changes the internal file position pointer (!) in violation of the C standard. Put a patch into the file_flush routine to explicitly seek back to the original file position. - changed the name of imcomp_get_compressed_image_parms to imcomp_get_compressed_image_par to not exceed the 31 character limit on some compilers. - modified the filename parser (which is used when moving to a named HDU) to support EXTNAME values which contain embedded blanks. - modified drvrnet.c to deal with ftp compressed files better so that even fits files returned from cgi queries which have the wrong mime types and/or wrong types of file names should still decompress. - modified ffgics to reduce the tolerance for acceptable skewness between the axes, and added a new warning return status = APPROX_WCS_KEY in cases where there is significant skewness between the axes. - fixed bug in ffgics that affected cases where the first coordinate axis was DEC, not RA, and the image was a mirror image of the sky. - fixed bug in ffhist when trying to read the default binning factor keyword, TDBIN. - modified ffhist so that is correctly computes the rotation angle in a 2-D image if the first histogram column has a CROTA type keyword but the 2nd column does not. - modified ffcpcl so that it preserves the comment fields on the TTYPE and TFORM keywords when the column is copied to a new file. - make small change to configure.in to support FreeBSD Linux by setting CFLAGS = -Df2cFortran instead of -Dg77Fortran. Then regenerated configure with autoconf 2.13 instead of 2.12. Version 2.035 - 7 Dec 1999 (internal release only, FTOOLS 5.0.2) - added new routine called fits_get_keyclass/ffgkcl that returns the general class of the keyword, e.g., required structural keyword, WCS keyword, Comment keyword, etc. 15 classes of keywords have been defined in fitsio.h - added new routine called fits_get_img_parm/ffgipr that is similar to ffgphd but it only return the bitpix, naxis, and naxisn values. - added 3 new routines that support the long string keyword convention: fits_insert_key_longstr, fits_modify_key_longstr fits_update_key_longstr. - modified ffgphd which reads image header keywords to support the new experimental compressed image format. - when opening a .Z compressed file, CFITSIO tries to allocate memory equal to 3 times the file size, which may be excessive in some cases. This was changed so that if the allocation fails, then CFITSIO will try again to allocate only enough memory equal to 1 times the file size. More memory will be allocated later if this turns out to be too small. - improved the error checking in the fits_insert_key routine to check for illegal characters in the keyword. Version 2.034 - 23 Nov 1999 - enhanced support for the new 'CD' matrix world coordinate system keywords in the ffigics routine. This routine has been enhanced to look for the new 'CD' keywords, if present, and convert them back to the old CDELTn and CROTAn values, which are then returned. The routine will also swap the WCS parameters for the 2 axes if the declination-like axis is the first WCS axis. - modified ffphbn in putkey.c to support the 'U' and 'V" TFORM characters (which represent unsigned short and unsigned int columns) in variable length array columns. (previously only supported these types in fixed length columns). - added checks when reading gzipped files to detect unexpected EOF. Previously, the 'inflate_codes' routine would just sit in an infinite loop if the file ended unexpectedly. - modified fits_verify_chksum/ffvcks so that checksum keywords with a blank value string are treated as undefined, the same as if the keyword did not exist at all. - fixed ffghtb and ffghbn so that they return the extname value in cases where there are no columns in the table. - fixed bug in the ffgtwcs routine (this is a little utility routine to aid in interfacing to Doug Mink's WCS routines); it was not correctly padding the length of string-valued keywords in the returned string. - fixed bug in 'iraffits.c' that prevented Type-2 IRAF images from being correctly byte-swapped on PCs and DEC-OSF machines. - fixed tiny memory leak in irafncmp in iraffits.c. Only relevant when reading IRAF .imh files. - fixed a bug (introduced in version 2.027) that caused the keyword reading routines to sometimes not find a matching keyword if the input name template used the '*' wildcard as the last character. (e.g., if input name = 'COMMENT*' then it would not find the 'COMMENT' keywords. (It would have found longer keywords like 'COMMENTX' correctly). The fix required a minor change to ffgcrd in getkey.c - modified the routine (ffswap8) that does byteswapping of double precision numbers. Some linux systems have reported floating point exceptions because they were trying to interpret the bytes as a double before the bytes had been swapped. - fixed bug in the calculation of the position of the last byte in the string of bits to be read in ffgcxuk and ffgcxui. This bug generally caused no harm, but could cause the routine to exit with an invalid error message about trying to read beyond the size of the field. - If a unix machine did not have '__unix__', 'unix', or '__unix' C preprocessor symbols defined, then CFITSIO would correctly open one FITS file, but would not correctly open subsequent files. Instead it would think that the same file was being opened multiple times. This problem has only been seen on an IBM/AIX machine. The fits_path2url and fits_url2path routines in group.c were modified to fix the problem. - fixed bug in group.c, which affected WINDOWS platforms only, that caused programs to go into infinite loop when trying to open certain files. - the ftrsim Fortran wrapper routine to ffrsim was not defined correctly, which caused the naxis(2) value to be passed incorrectly on Dec OSF machines, where sizeof(long) != sizeof(int). Version 2.033 - 17 Sept 1999 - New Feature: enhanced the row selection parser so that comparisons between values in different rows of the table are allowed, and the string comparisons with <, >, <=, and >= are supported. - added new routine the returns the name of the keyword in the input keyword record string. The name is usually the first 8 characters of the record, except if the HIERARCH convention is being used in which case the name may be up to 67 characters long. - added new routine called fits_null_check/ffnchk that checks to see if the current header contains any null (ASCII 0) characters. These characters are illegal in FITS headers, but they go undetected by the other CFITSIO routines that read the header keywords. - the group.c file has been replaced with a new version as supplied by the ISDC. The changes are mainly to support partial URLs and absolute URLs more robustly. Host dependent directory paths are now converted to true URLs before being read from/written to grouping tables. - modified ffnmhd slightly so that it will move to the first extension in which either the EXTNAME or the HDUNAME keyword is equal to the user-specified name. Previously, it only checked for HDUNAME if the EXTNAME keyword did not exist. - made small change to drvrnet.c so that it uncompress files which end in .Z and .gz just as for ftp files. - rewrote ffcphd (copy header) to handle the case where the input and output HDU are in the same physical FITS file. - fixed bug in how long string keyword values (using the CONTINUE convention) were read. If the string keyword value ended in an '&' character, then fits_read_key_longstr, fits_modify_key_str, and fits_delete_key would interpret the following keyword as a continuation, regardless of whether that keyword name was 'CONTINUE' as required by this convention. There was also a bug in that if the string keyword value was all blanks, then fits_modify_key_str could in certain unusual cases think that the keyword ended in an '&' and go into an infinite loop. - modified ffgpv so that it calls the higher level ffgpv_ routine rather than directly calling the lower level ffgcl_ routine. This change is needed to eventually support reading compressed images. - added 3 new routines to get the image datatype, image dimensions, and image axes length. These support the case where the image is compressed and stored in a binary table. - fixed bug in ffiblk that could sometimes cause it to insert a new block in a file somewhere in the middle of the data, instead of at the end of the HDU. This fortunately is a rare problem, mainly only occurring in certain cases when inserting rows in a binary table that contains variable length array data (i.e., has a heap). - modified fits_write_tdim so that it double checks the TFORMn value directly if the column repeat count stored in the internal structure is not equal to the product of all the dimensions. - fixed bug that prevented ffitab or ffibin from inserting a new table after a null primary array (can't read NAXIS2 keyword). Required a small change to ffrdef. - modified testprog.c so that it will continue to run even if it cannot open or process the template file testprog.tpt. - modified the logic in lines 1182-1185 of grparser.c so that it returns the correct status value in case of an error. - added test in fitsio2.h to see if __sparcv9 is defined; this identifies a machine running Solaris 7 in 64-bit mode where long integers are 64 bits long. Version 2.032 - 25 May 1999 - the distribution .tar file was changed so that all the files will be untarred into a subdirectory by default instead of into the current directory. - modified ffclos so that it always frees the space allocated by the fptr pointer, even when another fptr points to the same file. - plugged a potential (but rare in practice) memory leak in ffpinit - fixed bug in all the ffp3d_ and ffg3d_ routines in cases where the data cube that has been allocated in memory has more planes than the data cube in the FITS file. - modified drvrsmem.c so that it allocates a small shared memory segment only if CFITSIO tries to read or write a FITS file in shared memory. Previously it always allocated the segment whether it was needed or not. Also, this small segment is removed if 0 shared memory segments remain in the system. - put "static" in front of 7 DECLARE macros in compress.c because these global variables were causing conflicts with other applications programs that had variables with the same names. - modified ffasfm to return datatype = TDOUBLE instead of TFLOAT if the ASCII table column has TFORMn = 'Ew.d' with d > 6. - modified the column reading routines to a) print out the offending entry if an error occurs when trying to read a numeric ASCII table column, and b) print out the column number that had the error (the messages are written to CFITSIOs error stack) - major updates to the Fortran FITSIO User's Guide to include many new functions that have been added to CFITSIO in the past year. - modified fitsio2.h so that the test for __D_FLOAT etc. is only made on Alpha VMS machines, to avoid syntax errors on some other platforms. - modified ffgthd so that it recognizes a floating point value that uses the 'd' or 'D' exponent character. - removed the range check in fftm2s that returned an error if 'decimals' was less than zero. A negative value is OK and is used to return only the date and not the time in the string. Version 2.031 - 31 Mar 1999 - moved the code that updates the NAXIS2 and PCOUNT keywords from ffchdu into the lower lever ffrdef routine. This ensures that other routines which call ffrdef will correctly update these 2 keywords if required. Otherwise, for instance, calling fits_write_checksum before closing the HDU could cause the NAXIS2 keyword (number of rows in the table) to not be updated. - fixed bug (introduced in version 2.030) when writing null values to a primary array or image extension. If trying to set more than 1 pixel to null at a time, then typically only 1 null would be written. Also fixed related bug when writing null values to rows in a table that are beyond the currently defined size of the table (the size of the table was not being expanded properly). - enhanced the extended filename parser to support '*' in image section specifiers, to mean use the whole range of the axis. myfile.fits[*,1:100] means use the whole range of the first axis and pixels 1 to 100 in the second axis. Also supports an increment, as in myfile.fits[*:2, *:2] to use just the odd numbered rows and columns. - modified fitscore.c to set the initial max size of the header, when first reading it, to the current size of the file, rather than to 2 x 10**9 to avoid rare cases where CFITSIO ends up writing a huge file to disk. - modified file_compress_open so that it will not allow a compressed FITS file to be opened with write access. Otherwise, a program could write to the temporary copy of the uncompressed file, but the modification would be lost when the program exits. Version 2.030 - 24 Feb 1999 - fixed bug in ffpclu when trying to write a null value to a row beyond the current size of the table (wouldn't append new rows like it should). - major new feature: enhanced the routines that read ASCII string columns in tables so that they can read any table column, including logical and numeric valued columns. The column values are returned as a formatted string. The format is determined by the TDISPn keyword if present, otherwise a default format based on the datatype of the column is used. - new routine: fits_get_col_display_width/ffgcdw returns the length of the formatted strings that will be returned by the routines that read table columns as strings. - major new feature: added support for specifying an 'image section' when opening an image: e.g, myfile.fits[1:512:2,2:512:2] to open a 256x256 pixel image consisting of the odd columns and the even numbered rows of the input image. - added supporting project files and instructions for building CFITSIO under Windows NT with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. - changed the variable 'template' to 'templt' in testprog.c since it conflicted with a reserved word on some compilers. - modified group.c to conditionally include sys/stat.h only on unix platforms - fixed bug in the ffiter iterator function that caused it to always pass 'firstn' = 1 to the work function when reading from the primary array or IMAGE extension. It worked correctly for tables. - fixed bug in the template header keyword parser (ffgthd) in cases where the input template line contains a logical valued keyword (T or F) without any following comment string. It was previously interpreting this as a string-valued keyword. - modified ffrhdu that reads and opens a new HDU, so that it ignores any leading blank characters in the XTENSION name, e.g., XTENSION= ' BINTABLE' will not cause any errors, even though this technically violates the FITS Standard. - modified ffgtbp that reads the required table keywords to make it more lenient and not exit with an error if the THEAP keyword in binary tables cannot be read as an integer. Now it will simply ignore this keyword if it cannot be read. - added test for 'WIN32' as well as '__WIN32__' in fitsio2.h, eval.l and eval_l.c in a preprocessor statement. - changed definition of strcasecmp and strncasecmp in fitsio2.h, eval.l and eval_l.c to conform to the function prototypes under the Alpha VMS v7.1 compiler. - corrected the long function names in longnam.h for the new WCS utility functions in wcssubs.c Version 2.029 - 11 Feb 1999 - fixed bug in the way NANs and underflows were being detected on VAX and Alpha VMS machines. - enhanced the filename parser to distinguish between a VMS-style directory name (e.g. disk:[directory]myfile.fits) and a CFITSIO filter specifier at the end of the name. - modified ffgthd to support the HIERARCH convention for keyword names that are longer than 8 characters or contain characters that would be illegal in standard FITS keyword names. - modified the include statements in grparser.c so that malloc.h and memory.h are only included on the few platforms that really need them. - modified the file_read routine in drvrfile.c to ignore the last record in the FITS file it it only contains a single character that is equal to 0, 10 or 32. Text editors sometimes append a character like this to the end of the file, so CFITSIO will ignore it and treat it as if it had reached the end of file. - minor modifications to fitsio.h to help support the ROOT environment. - installed new version of group.c and group.h; the main change is to support relative paths (e.g. "../filename") in the URLs - modified the histogramming routines so that it looks for the default preferred column axes in a keyword of the form CPREF = 'Xcol, Ycol' instead of separate keywords of the form CPREF1 = 'Xcol' CPREF2 = 'Ycol' - fixed bug so that if the binning spec is just a single integer, as in [bin 4] then this will be interpreted as meaning to make a 2D histogram using the preferred or default axes, with the integer taken as the binning factor in both axes. Version 2.028 - 27 Jan 1999 - if the TNULLn keyword value was outside the range of a 'I' or 'B' column, an overflow would occur when setting the short or char to the TNULLn value, leading to incorrect values being flagged as being undefined. This has been fixed so that CFITSIO will ignore TNULLn values that are beyond the range of the column data type. - changed a few instances of the string {"\0"} to {'\0'} in the file groups.c - installed new version of the grparser.c file from the ISDC - added new WCS support routines (in wcssub.c) which make it easier to call Doug Mink's WCSlib routines for converting between plate and sky coordinates. The CFITSIO routines themselves never call a WCSlib routine, so CFITSIO is not dependent on WCSlib. - modified ffopen so that if you use the extended filename syntax to both select rows in a table and then bin columns into a histogram, then CFITSIO will simply construct an array listing the good row numbers to be used when making the histogram, instead of making a whole new temporary FITS file containing the selected rows. - modified ffgphd which parses the primary array header keywords when opening a file, to not choke on minor format errors in optional keywords. Otherwise, this prevents CFITSIO from even opening the file. - changed a few more variable declarations in compress.c from global to static. Version 2.027 - 12 Jan 1999 - modified the usage of the output filename specifier so that it, a) gives the name of the binned image, if specified, else, b) gives the name of column filtered and/or row filtered table, if specified, else c) is the name for a local copy of the ftp or http file, else, d) is the name for the local uncompressed version of the compressed FITS file, else, e) the output filename is ignored. - fixed minor bug in ffcmps, when comparing 2 strings while using a '*' wild card character. - fixed bug in ftgthd that affected cases where the template string started with a minus sign and contained 2 tokens (to rename a keyword). - added support for the HIERARCH keyword convention for reading and writing keywords longer than 8 characters or that contain ASCII characters not allowed in normal FITS keywords. - modified the extended filename syntax to support opening images that are contained in a single cell of a binary table with syntax: filename.fits[extname; col_name(row_expression)] Version 2.026 - 23 Dec 1998 - modified the group parser to: a) support CFITSIO_INCLUDE_FILES environment variable, which can point to the location of template files, and, b) the FITS file parameter passed to the parser no longer has to point to an empty file. If there are already HDUs in the file, then the parser appends new HDUs to the end of the file. - make a small change to the drvrnet.c file to accommodate creating a static version of the CFITSIO library. - added 2 new routines to read consecutive bits as an unsigned integer from a Bit 'X' or Byte 'B' column (ffgcxui and ffgcxuk). - modified the logic for determining histogram boundaries in ffhisto to add one more bin by default, to catch values that are right on the upper boundary of the histogram, or are in the last partial bin. - modified cfitsio2.h to support the new Solaris 7 64-bit mode operating system. - Add utility routine, CFits2Unit, to the Fortran wrappers which searches the gFitsFiles array for a fptr, returning its element (Fortran unit number), or allocating a new element if one doesn't already exists... for C calling Fortran calling CFITSIO. - modified configure so that it does not use the compiler optimizer when using gcc 2.8.x on Linux - (re)added the fitsio.* documentation files that describe the Fortran-callable FITSIO interface to the C routines. - modified the lexical parser in eval_f.c to fix bug in null detections and bug in ffsrow when nrows = 0. - modified ffcalc so that it creates a TNULLn keyword if appropriate when a new column is created. Also fixed detection of OVERFLOWs so that it ignores null values. - added hyperbolic trig and rounding functions to the lexical parser in the eval* files. - improved error message that gets written when the group number is out of range when reading a 'random groups' array. - added description of shared memory, grouping, and template parsing error messages to ffgerr and to the User's Guide. Moved the error code definitions from drvsmem.h to fitsio.h. - modified grparser.c to compile correctly on Alpha/OSF machines - modified drvrnet.c to eliminate compiler warnings - Modified Makefile.in to include targets for building all the sample programs that are included with CFITSIO. Version 2.025 - 1 Dec 1998 - modified ffgphd and ffgtbp so that they ignores BLANK and TNULLn keywords that do not have a valid integer value. Also, any error while reading the BSCALE, BZERO, TSCALn, or TZEROn keywords will be ignored. Previously, CFITSIO would have simply refused to read an HDU that had such an invalid keyword. - modified the parser in eval_f.c to accept out of order times in GTIs - updated cfitsio_mac.sit.hqx to fix bad target parameters for Mac's speed test program - modified template parser in grparser.c to: 1) not write GRPNAME keyword twice, and 2) assign correct value for EXTVERS keyword. - fixed minor bugs in group.c; mainly would only affect users of the INTEGRAL Data Access Layer. - temporarily removed the prototype for ffiwcs from fitsio.h until full WCS support is added to CFITSIO in the near future. - modified the HTTP driver to send a User-Agent string: HEASARC/CFITSIO/ - declared local variables in compress.c as 'static' to avoid conflicts with other libraries. Version 2.024 - 9 Nov 1998 - added new function fits_url_type which returns the driver prefix string associated with a particular FITS file pointer. Version 2.023 - 1 Nov 1998 - first full release of CFITSIO 2.0 - slightly modified the way real keyword values are formatted, to ensure that it includes a decimal point. E.g., '1.0E-09' instead of '1E-09' - added new function to support template files when creating new FITS files. - support the TCROTn WCS keyword in tables, when reading the WCS keywords. - modified the iterator to support null values in logical columns in binary tables. - fixed bug in iterator to support null values in integer columns in ASCII tables. - changed the values for FLOATNULLVALUE and DOUBLENULLVALUE to make them less likely to duplicate actual values in the data. - fixed major bug when freeing memory in the iterator function. It caused mysterious crashes on a few platforms, but had no effect on most others. - added support for reading IRAF format image (.imh files) - added more error checking to return an error if the size of the FITS file exceeds the largest value of a long integer (2.1 GB on 32-bit platforms). - CFITSIO now will automatically insert space for additional table rows or add space to the data heap, if one writes beyond the current end of the table or heap. This prevents any HDUs which might follow the current HDU from being overwritten. It is thus no longer necessary to explicitly call fits_insert_rows before writing new rows of data to the FITS file. - CFITSIO now automatically keeps track of the number of rows that have been written to a FITS table, and updates the NAXIS2 keyword accordingly when the table is closed. It is no longer necessary for the application program to updated NAXIS2. - When reading from a FITS table, CFITSIO will now return an error if the application tries to read beyond the end of the table. - added 2 routines to get the number of rows or columns in a table. - improved the undocumented feature that allows a '20A' column to be read as though it were a '20B' column by fits_read_col_byt. - added overflow error checking when reading keywords. Previously, the returned value could be silently truncated to the maximum allowed value for that data type. Now an error status is returned whenever an overflow occurs. - added new set of routines dealing with hierarchical groups of files. These were provided by Don Jennings of the INTEGRAL Science Data Center. - added new URL parsing routines. - changed the calling sequence to ffghad (get HDU address) from ffghad(fitsfile *fptr, > long *headstart, long *dataend) to ffghad(fitsfile *fptr, > long *headstart, long datastart, long *dataend, int *status) - major modification to support opening the same FITS file more than once. Now one can open the same file multiple times and read and write simultaneously to different HDUs within the file. fits_open_file automatically detects if the file is already opened. - added the ability to clobber/overwrite an existing file with the same name when creating a new output file. Just precede the output file name with '!' (an exclamation mark) - changed the ffpdat routine which writes the DATE keyword to use the new 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss' format. - added several new routines to create or parse the new date/time format string. - changed ifdef for DECFortran in f77_wrap.h and f77_wrap1.c: expanded to recognize Linux/Alpha - added new lexical parsing routines (from Peter Wilson): eval_l.c, eval_y.c, eval_f.c, eval_defs.h, and eval_tab.h. These are used when doing on-the-fly table row selections. - added new family of routines to support reading and writing 'unsigned int' data type values in keywords, images or tables. - restructured all the putcol and getcol routines to provide simpler and more robust support for machines which have sizeof(long) = 8. Defined a new datatype INT32BIT which is always 32 bits long (platform independent) and is used internally in CFITSIO when reading or writing BITPIX = 32 images or 'J' columns. This eliminated the need for specialize routines like ffswaplong, ffunswaplong, and ffpacklong. - overhauled cfileio.c (and other files) to use loadable drivers for doing data I/O to different devices. Now CFITSIO support network access to ftp:// and http:// files, and to shared memory files. - removed the ffsmem routine and replaced it with ffomem. This will only affect software that reads an existing file in core memory. (written there by some other process). - modified all the ffgkn[] routines (get an array of keywords) so that the 'nfound' parameter is = the number of keywords returned, not the highest index value on the returned keywords. This makes no difference if the starting index value to look for = 1. This change is not backward compatible with previous versions of CFITSIO, but is the way that FITSIO behaved. - added new error code = 1 for any application error external to CFITSIO. Also reports "unknown error status" if the value doesn't match a known CFITSIO error. Version 1.42 - 30 April 1998 (included in FTOOLS 4.1 release) - modified the routines which read a FITS float values into a float array, or read FITS double values into a double array, so that the array value is also explicitly set in addition to setting the array of flag values, if the FITS value is a NaN. This ensures that no NaN values get passed back to the calling program, which can cause serious problems on some platforms (OSF). - added calls to ffrdef at the beginning of the insert or delete rows or columns routines in editcol.c to make sure that CFITSIO has correctly initialized the HDU information. - added new routine ffdrws to delete a list of rows in a table - added ffcphd to copy the header keywords from one hdu to another - made the anynul parameter in the ffgcl* routines optional by first checking to see if the pointer is not null before initializing it. - modified ffbinit and ffainit to ignore minor format errors in header keywords so that cfitsio can at least move to an extension that contains illegal keywords. - modified all the ffgcl* routines to simply return without error if nelem = 0. - added check to ffclose to check the validity of the fitsfile pointer before closing it. This should prevent program crashes when someone tries to close the same file more than once. - replaced calls to strcmp and strncmp with macros FSTRCMP and FSTRNCMP in a few places to improve performance when reading header keywords (suggested by Mike Noble) Bug Fixes: - fixed typo in macro definition of error 504 in the file fitsio.h. - in ffopen, reserved space for 4 more characters in the input file name in case a '.zip' suffix needs to be added. - small changes to ffpclx to fix problems when writing bit (X) data columns beyond the current end of file. - fixed small bug in ffcrhd where a dummy pointer was not initialized - initialized the dummy variable in ffgcfe and ffgcfd which was causing crashes under OSF in some cases. - increased the length of the allocated string ffgkls by 2 to support the case of reading a numeric keyword as a string which doesn't have the enclosing quote characters. Version 1.4 - 6 Feb 1998 - major restructuring of the CFITSIO User's Guide - added the new 'iterator' function. The fortran wrapper is in f77_iter.c for now. - enhanced ffcrtb so that it writes a dummy primary array if none currently exists before appending the table. - removed the ffgcl routine and replaced it with ffgcvl - modified ffpcnl to just take a single input null value instead of an entire array of null value flags. - modified ffcmps and ffgnxk so that, for example, the string 'rate' is not considered a match to the string 'rate2', and 'rate*' is a match to the string 'rate'. - modified ffgrsz to also work with images, in which case it returns the optimum number of pixels to process at one time. - modified ffgthd to support null valued keywords - added a new source file 'f77_wrap.c' that includes all the Fortran77 wrapper routines for calling CFITSIO. This will eventually replace the Fortran FITSIO library. - added new routines: ffppn - generic write primary array with null values ffpprn - write null values to primary array ffuky - 'update' a keyword value, with any specified datatype. ffrprt - write out report of error status and error messages ffiter - apply a user function iteratively to all the rows of a table ffpkyc - write complex-valued keyword ffpkym - write double complex-valued keyword ffpkfc - write complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffpkfm - write double complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffgkyc - read complex-valued keyword ffgkym - read double complex-valued keyword ffmkyc - modify complex-valued keyword ffmkym - modify double complex-valued keyword ffmkfc - modify complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffmkfm - modify double complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffukyc - update complex-valued keyword ffukym - update double complex-valued keyword ffukfc - update complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffukfm - update double complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffikyc - insert complex-valued keyword ffikym - insert double complex-valued keyword ffikfc - insert complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffikfm - insert double complex-valued keyword in fixed format ffpktp - write or modify keywords using ASCII template file ffcpcl - copy a column from one table to another ffcpky - copy an indexed keyword from one HDU to another ffpcnl - write logical values, including nulls, to binary table ffpcns - write string values, including nulls, to table ffmnhd - move to HDU with given exttype, EXTNAME and EXTVERS values ffthdu - return the total number of HDUs in the file ffghdt - return the type of the CHDU ffflnm - return the name of the open FITS file ffflmd - return the mode of the file (READONLY or READWRITE) - modified ffmahd and ffmrhd (to move to a new extension) so that a null pointer may be given for the returned HDUTYPE argument. - worked around a bug in the Mac CWpro2 compiler by changing all the statements like "#if BYTESWAPPED == TRUE" to "if BYTESWAPPED". - modified ffitab (insert new ASCII table) to allow tables with zero number of columns - modified Makefile.in and configure to define the -Dg77Fortran CFLAGS variable on Linux platforms. This is needed to compile the new f77_wrap.c file (which includes cfortran.h) Bug Fixes: - fixed small bug in ffgrz (get optimum row size) which sometimes caused it to return slightly less than the maximum optimum size. This bug would have done no harm to application programs. - fixed bug in ffpclk and ffgclk to add an 'else' case if size of int is not equal to size of short or size of long. - added test to ffgkls to check if the input string is not null before allocating memory for it. Version 1.32 - 21 November 1997 (internal release only) - fixed bug in the memory deallocation (free) statements in the ffopen routine in the cfileio.c file. - modified ffgphd to tolerate minor violations of the FITS standard in the format of the XTENSION = 'IMAGE ' keyword when reading FITS files. Extra trailing spaces are now allowed in the keyword value. (FITS standard will be changed so that this is not a violation). Version 1.31 - 4 November 1997 (internal release only) Enhancements: - added support for directly reading compressed FITS files by copying the algorithms from the gzip program. This supports the Unix compress, gzip and pkzip algorithms. - modified ffiimg, ffitab, and ffibin (insert HDUs into a FITS file) so that if the inserted HDU is at the end of the FITS file, then it simply appends a new empty HDU and writes the required keywords. This allows space to be reserved for additional keywords in the header if desired. - added the ffchfl and ffcdfl routines to check the header and data fill values, for compatibility with the Fortran FITSIO library. - added the ffgsdt routine to return the system date for compatibility with the Fortran FITSIO library. - added a diagnostic error message (written to the error stack) if the routines that read data from image or column fail. - modified ffgclb so that it simply copies the bytes from an ASCII 'nA' or 'An' format column into the user's byte array. Previously, CFITSIO would return an error when trying to read an 'A' column with ffgclb. - modified ffpclb so that it simply copies the input array of bytes to an ASCII 'nA' or 'An' format column. Previously, CFITSIO would return an error when trying to write to an 'A' column with ffpclb. Bug Fixes: - ffgkls was allocating one too few bytes when reading continued string keyword values. - in testprog.c added code to properly free the memory that had been allocated for string arrays. - corrected typographical errors in the User's Guide. Version 1.30 - 11 September 1997 - major overhaul to support reading and writing FITS files in memory. The new routines fits_set_mem_buff and fits_write_mem_buff have been added to initialize and copy out the memory buffer, respectively. - added support for reading FITS files piped in on 'stdin' and piped out on 'stdout'. Just specify the file name as '-' when opening or creating the FITS file. - added support for 64-bit SGI IRIX machines. This required adding routines to pack and unpack 32-bit integers into 64-bit integers. - cleaned up the code that supports G_FLOAT and IEEE_FLOAT on Alpha VMS systems. Now, the type of float is determined at compile time, not run time. Bug Fixes: - replaced the malloc calls in the error message stack routines with a static fixed size array. The malloc's cause more problems than they solved, and were prone to cause memory leaks if users don't clear the error message stack when closing the FITS file. - when writing float or double keywords, test that the value is not a special IEEE value such as a NaN. Some compilers would write the string 'NaN' in this case into the output value string. - fixed bug in ffiblk, to ignore EOF status return if it is inserting blocks at the end of the file. - removed the 'l' from printf format string that is constructed in the ffcfmt routine. This 'l' is non-standard and causes problems with the Metrowerks compiler on a Mac. - the default null value in images was mistakenly being set equal to NO_NULL = 314, rather than NULL_UNDEFINED = 1234554321 in the ffgphd routine. - check status value in ffgkls to make sure the keyword exists before allocating memory for the value string. - fixed the support for writing and reading unsigned long integer keyword values in ffpky and ffgky by internally treating the values as doubles. This required changes to ffc2r and ffc2d as well. - added explicit cast to 'double' in one place in putcolb.c and 6 places in pubcolui.c, to get rid of warning messages issued by one compiler. - in ffbinit and ffainit, it is necessary to test that tfield > 0 before trying to allocate memory with calloc. Otherwise, some compilers return a null pointer which CFITSIO interprets to mean the memory allocation failed. - had to explicitly cast the null buffer pointer to a char pointer (cptr = (char *)buffer;) in 4 places in the buffers.c file to satisfy a picky C++ compiler. - changed the test for an ALPHA VMS system to see if '__VMS' is defined, rather than 'VMS'. The latter is not defined by at least one C++ compiler. - modified ffpcls so that it can write a null string to a variable length string column, without going into an infinite loop. - fixed bug in ffgcfl that caused the 'next' variable to be incremented twice. - fixed bug in ffgcpr that caused it write 2x the number of complex elements into the descriptor when writing to a complex or double complex variable length array column. - added call to ffrdef at the end of ffrsim to ensure that the internal structures are updated to correspond to the modified header keywords Version 1.25 - 7 July 1997 - improved the efficiency of the ffiblk routine, when inserting more than one block into the file. - fixed bug in ffwend that in rare instances caused the beginning of the following extension to be overwritten by blank fill. - added new routine to modify the size of an existing primary array or image extension: fits_resize_img/ffrsim. - added support for null-valued keywords, e.g., keywords that have no defined value. These keywords have an equal sign and space in columns 9-10, but have not value string. Example: KEYNAME = / null-valued keyword Support for this feature required the following changes: - modified ffpsvc to return a null value string without error - modified ffc2[ilrd] to return error VALUE_UNDEFINED in this case - modified ffgkn[sljed] to continue reading additional keywords even if one or more keywords have undefined values. - added 4 new routines: ffpkyu, ffikyu, ffmkyu, ffukyu to write, insert, modify, or update an undefined keyword - a new makefile.os2 file was added, for building CFITSIO on OS/2 systems. - modified ffgtkn so that if it finds an unexpected keyword name, the returned error status = BAD_ORDER instead of NOT_POS_INT. - added 2 new routines, fits_write_key_unit/ffpunt and fits_read_key_unit/ffgunt to write/read the physical units of a keyword value. These routines use a local FITS convention for storing the units in square brackets following the '/' comment field separator, as in: VELOCITY= 12 / [km/s] orbit speed The testprog.c program was modified to test these new routines. - in the test of Alpha OSF/1 machines in fitsio2.h, change 'defined(unix)' to 'defined(__unix__)' which appears to be a more robust test. - remove test for linux environment variable from fitsio2.h Version 1.24 - 2 May 1997 - fixed bug in ffpbyt that incorrectly computed the current location in the FITS file when writing > 10000 bytes. - changed the datatype of the 'nbytes' parameter in ffpbyt from 'int' to 'long'. Made corresponding datatype change to some internal variables in ffshft. - changed '(unsigned short *)' to '(short *)' in getcolui.c, and changed '(unsigned long *)' to '(long *)' in getcoluj.c, to work around problem with the VAX/VMS cc compiler. Version 1.23 - 24 April 1997 - modified ffcins and ffdins (in editcol.c) to simply return without error if there are no (zero) rows in the table. Version 1.22 - 18 April 1997 - fixed bug in ffgcpr that caused it to think that all values were undefined in ASCII tables columns that have TNULLn = ' ' (i.e., the TNULLn keyword value is a string of blanks. - fixed bug in the ffgcl[bdeijk,ui,uj] family of routines when parsing a numeric value in an ASCII table. The returned values would have the decimal place shifted to the left if the table field contained an explicit decimal point followed by blanks. Example: in an F5.2 column, the value '16. ' would be returned as 0.16. If the trailing zeros were present, then cfitsio returned the correct value (e.g., '16.00' returns 16.). - fixed another bug in the ffgcl[bdeijk,ui,uj] family of routines that caused them to misread values in an ASCII table in rows following an undefined value when all the values were read at once in a single call to the routine. Version 1.21 - 26 March 1997 - added general support for reading and writing unsigned integer keywords, images, and binary table column values. - fixed bug in the way the column number was used in ffgsve and similar routines. This bug caused cfitsio to read (colnum - 1) rather than the desired column. - fixed a bug in ftgkls that prevented it from reading more than one continuation line of a long string keyword value. - fixed the definition of fits_write_longwarn in longnam.h Version 1.20 - 29 Jan 1997 - when creating a binary table with variable length vector columns, if the calling routine does not specify a value for the maximum length of the vector (e.g., TFORMn = '1PE(400)') then cfitsio will automatically calculate the maximum value and append it to the TFORM value when the binary table is first closed. - added the set of routines to do coordinate system transformations - added support for wildcards ('*', '?', and '#') in the input keyword name when reading, modifying, or deleting keywords. - added new general keyword reading routine, ffgnxk, to return the next keyword whose name matches a list of template names, but does not match any names on a second template list. - modified ftgrec so that it simply moves to the beginning of the header if the input keyword number = 0 - added check in ffdelt to make sure the input fits file pointer is not already null - added check in ffcopy to make sure the output HDU does not already contain any keywords (it must be empty). - modified ffgcls so that it does not test if each string column value equals the null string value if the null string value is longer than the width of the column. - fixed bug in ftgtdm that caused it to fail if the TDIMn keyword did not exist in the FITS file - modified testprog.c to include tests of keyword wildcards and the WCS coordinate transformation routines. - added a test for 'EMX' in fitsio2.h so that cfitsio builds correctly on a PC running OS/2. Version 1.11 - 04 Dec 1996 - modified the testprog.c program that is included with the distribution, so that the output FITS file is identical to that produced by the Fortran FITSIO test program. - changed all instances of the 'extname' variable to 'extnm' to avoid a conflict with the -Dextname switch in cfortran.h on HP machines. - in all the routines like ffi4fi1, which convert an array of values to integers just prior to writing them to the FITS file, the integer value is now rounded to the nearest integer rather than truncated. (ffi4fi1, ffi4fi2, ffi4fi4, etc) - changed ffgcfl (and hence ffgcl) so that the input value of the logical array element is not changed if the corresponding FITS value is undefined. - in ffgacl, the returned value of TBCOL was off by 1 (too small) - fixed the comment of EXTNAME keyword to read 'binary table' instead of 'ASCII table' in the header of binary tables. Version 1.101 - 17 Nov 1996 - Made major I/O efficiency improvements by adding internal buffers rather than directly reading or writing to disk. Access to columns in binary tables is now 50 - 150 times faster. Access to FITS image is also slightly faster. - made significant speed improvements when reading numerical data in FITS ASCII tables by writing my own number parsing routines rather than using the sscanf C library routine. This change requires that the -lm argument now be included when linking a program that calls cfitsio (under UNIX). - regrouped the source files into logically related sets of routines. The Makefile now runs much faster since every single routine is not split into a separate file. - now use the memcpy function, rather than a 'for' loop in several places for added efficiency - redesigned the low-level binary table read and write routines (ffpbytoff and ffgbytoff) for greater efficiency. - added a new error status: 103 = too many open FITS files. - added a 'extern "C"' statement around the function prototypes in fitsio.h, to support use of cfitsio by C++ compilers. - fixed routines for writing or reading fixed-length substrings within a binary table ASCII column, with TFORM values of of the form 'rAw' where 'r' is the total width of the ASCII column and 'w' is the width of a substring within the column. - no longer automatically rewrite the END card and following fill values if they are already correct. - all the 'get keyword value and comment' routines have been changed so that the comment is not returned if the input pointer is NULL. - added new routine to return the optimum number of tables rows that should be read or written at one time for optimum efficiency. - modified the way numerical values in ASCII tables are parsed so that embedded spaces in the value are ignored, and implicit decimal points are now supported. (e.g, the string '123E 12' in a 'E10.2' format column will be interpreted as 1.23 * 10**12). - modified ffpcl and ffgcl to support binary table columns of all datatype (added logical, bit, complex, and double complex) - when writing numerical data to ASCII table columns, the ffpcl_ routines now return an overflow error if a value is too large to be expressed in the column format. - closed small memory leak in ffpcls. - initialized the 'incre' variable in ffgcpr to eliminate compiler warning. Version 1.04 - 17 Sept 1996 - added README.MacOS and cfitsio_mac.sit.hqx to the distribution to support the Mac platforms. - fixed bug in ffpdfl that caused an EOF error (107) when a program creates a new extension that is an exact multiple of 2880 bytes long, AND the program does not write a value to the last element in the table or image. - fixed bug in all the ffgsf* and ffgcv* routines which caused core dumps when reading null values in a table. Version 1.03 - 20 August 1996 - added full support for reading and writing the C 'int' data type. This was a problem on Alpha/OSF where short, int, and long datatypes are 2, 4, and 8 bytes long, respectively. - cleaned up the code in the byte-swapping routines. - renamed the file 'longname.h' to 'longnam.h' to avoid conflict with a file with the same name in another unrelated package. Version 1.02 - 15 August 1996 - ffgtbp was not correctly reading the THEAP keyword, hence would not correctly read variable length data in binary tables if the heap was not at the default starting location (i.e., starting immediately after the fixed length table). - now force the cbuff variable in ffpcl_ and ffgcl_ to be aligned on a double word boundary. Non-alignment can cause program to crash on some systems. Version 1.01 - 12 August 1996 - initial public release